Stephen Ministry is a confidential, Christ-centered, one-on-one caregiving ministry provided by trained Stephen Ministers to those experiencing a life crisis such as illness, divorce, or loss of a loved one. We are honored to be a congregation which has provided Stephen Ministry to members of our church and to people in our community since 2006.
There are two ways Stephen Ministry can impact your life:
Having a Stephen Minister:
When life brings events such as serious or chronic illness, divorce, loss of a job, moving, or loss of a loved one, it is truly a blessing to have a trained Christian friend to walk alongside you, to listen confidentially, and to provide care, meeting with you regularly – usually one hour per week.
If you are interested in having a Stephen Minister or if you know of someone who could benefit from this ministry, please contact us. We will be glad to further explain how you can be paired with a Stephen Minister.
Becoming a Stephen Minister:
Stephen Ministers are called to provide compassionate Christian care. They receive 50 hours of comprehensive training, usually twenty 2.5 hour sessions. If you feel called to this ministry, please see CD White or one of the other Stephen leaders as soon as possible for an application. They will be happy to share in greater detail what this commitment entails.