God in Us

Jesus made a lot of promises to his disciples. He promised to be their way to the Father. He promised to prepare them a place. He promised he would do anything that they asked in his name.

But his chief promise, the Promise of all promises, was to send the Holy Spirit.

What is that? Who is he? What difference does he make? These are the questions we will be exploring in God in Us, a sermon series devoted to understanding, knowing, and being filled by the Spirit of God, the one through whom Jesus’ promises are experienced by us in all of their fullness.

Series Playlist

God in Us
God in Us
The Person of the Spirit
  • The Person of the Spirit

    The Person of the Spirit

    Jan 31, 2021 • 47:27

    The thing that matters most in the life of the Christian and the life of a church is the Holy Spirit’s living, dynamic presence and reign. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: God in Us Scripture: John 14:16-17a

  • The Work of the Spirit

    The Work of the Spirit

    Feb 7, 2021 • 40:04

    The Holy Spirit is the one who points to the truth that Christ is in every situation in life, the one who regenerates and transforms and purifies and makes holy, assuring us that we belong to God, and the one who empowers us for all of life and godliness and…

  • A Spirit-filled People

    A Spirit-filled People

    Feb 14, 2021 • 44:47

    The Lord Jesus Christ longs for us to go deeper and deeper into the reality of the Spirit’s presence and power. To drink of him more deeply. To be immersed in him more fully. That we might manifest Christ to the world, carrying out his work to the glory of…

The Prism

We all know how when white light goes through a prism, a rainbow pops out the other side. But did you know that the reverse is also true? A rainbow entering a prism can produce white light? The prism is able to take these different beams and converge them into a single, unified beam.

As we read the Scriptures, Jesus is like that prism. The different strands of ideas, concepts, goals, and longings in the Old Testament are all brought together into a unified whole through Christ.

We’re often tempted to think of the Old Testament’s witness to Christ being isolated prophetic lines like, “born in Bethlehem.” While these certainly exist, Jesus and the apostles believed Jesus wasn’t merely on the periphery of the Old Testament plot, but at the very core. Jesus believed that ALL the Scriptures bore witness to him (John 5:39).

In every story, in every law, in every psalm, we are pushed to long for Jesus more deeply. As Christ’s church, we find our own identity is shifted as we find who we are in him.

In this sermon series we are giving just a taste of how the Hebrew Bible finds its completion and fulfillment in Jesus and what that means for us as God’s people.

Series Playlist

The Prism
The Prism
Jesus: the Fulfillment of the Law
  • Jesus: the Fulfillment of the Law

    Jesus: the Fulfillment of the Law

    Jan 3, 2021 • 40:59

    The Law Embodied The Law Demonstrated The Law Violated The Law’s Curse The Law Rewritten Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: The Prism Scripture: Matthew 5:17

  • Jesus: the Locus of God’s Presence

    Jesus: the Locus of God’s Presence

    Jan 10, 2021 • 35:24

    All the history and theology of the temple prepared the way for, and pointed beyond itself to, the person of Jesus Christ, in whom the fullness of God was pleased to dwell bodily. By his Spirit, the church is his temple where God is revealing his name, glory, and his…

  • Jesus: Our Great High Priest

    Jesus: Our Great High Priest

    Jan 17, 2021 • 45:00

    Jesus is our great high priest. And in him, both priesthood and sacrifice have been brought to fulfillment and finality, forever. In response to all he has done, Christians are called to minister to the world through acts of praise and thanksgiving and in selfless service to our fellow man.…

Long Expected

Hope can be a powerful thing. It produces passion for the impossible. It realizes what has yet to be actualized. It binds to the future those who are captive to the present.

But hope can be a dangerous thing. Placed in the wrong object, it can lead to the deepest of disappointment and regret—exacerbating the sting of unfulfilled desires, relegating the longings of the heart to the category of fancy.

In Advent, we remember what it means to hope rightly and find stability in the drama of long expectation. But we do so from the nearside of history’s perspective, looking ahead while looking back—back to the One who fulfills; back to the One who satisfies; back to the One who completes.

He came in just the right way, at just the right time. For those who expect, he exceeds all expectation. Hope of the earth. Desire of nations. Joy of the heart.

Come, thou long-expected!

Series Playlist

Long Expected
Long Expected
But When the Right Time Came
  • But When the Right Time Came

    But When the Right Time Came

    Nov 29, 2020 • 42:41

    God prepared the whole world for the coming of His Son at just the right time. The arrival of Jesus was by divine appointment–on the global stage, at the center of human history. But the promise of Advent is that he also comes to your heart and mine at just…

  • Made In Every Respect Like Us

    Made In Every Respect Like Us

    Dec 6, 2020 • 40:13

    As you and I face daily pressures to lose hope, grow weak in the knees, and compromise our faith, we can turn to one who was made in every respect like us. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Long Expected Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-18

  • Promised Long Ago

    Promised Long Ago

    Dec 13, 2020 • 34:39

    The gospel comes from God. Its substance is the Son. Its attestation is the scriptures, promised long ago. Its scope is all the nations, to bring people to the obedience of faith and for the glory of his name. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Long Expected Scripture: Romans 1:1-6

  • The Man Jesus Christ

    The Man Jesus Christ

    Dec 20, 2020 • 36:08

    There is no peace on earth, but you can have peace with God. A settlement has been reached. The ransom price has been paid. The one God has provided a mediator, who is Christ Jesus the man. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Long Expected Scripture: I Timothy 2:5-6


In the beginning, everything was very good. Nothing was broken. Evil did not exist. All was right in the world.

But something terrible happened. Trust was broken; relationships shattered; the future now bleak and uncertain. In short, paradise was lost.

But not hope.

Promises is a series of messages about hope in the Faithful One’s determination to make right what went wrong. He is the Covenant Keeper, whose word is His bond, whose promises made are promises kept. Forever.

Series Playlist

What's Wrong With the World?
  • What's Wrong With the World?

    What's Wrong With the World?

    Nov 1, 2020 • 54:45

    What’s wrong with the world? I am. You are. But what is the hope of the world. He is. Hear his invitation. Own and repent of your failures. Put your hope in his promises. Trust in his gracious provision. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Promises Scripture: Genesis 1:1-21

  • How Bad Are Things Really?

    How Bad Are Things Really?

    Nov 8, 2020 • 34:34

    Humanity’s condition is bleak. Our prognosis is grim. We are dead, enslaved, and condemned. But thanks be to God who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ! Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Promises Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10

  • A God Who Makes Covenants

    A God Who Makes Covenants

    Nov 15, 2020 • 40:38

    God is a covenant-making God, who binds himself freely even while knowing the cost. He is the covenant maker, and he is the covenant keeper. He can be trusted to keep all of his promises. Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Promises Scripture: Genesis 8:20-22; 9:8-11; 12:1-3; 17:1, 7-10; Exodus 19:5-8; II Samuel…

  • A God Who Keeps His Promises

    A God Who Keeps His Promises

    Nov 22, 2020 • 42:05

    As people who await the new heavens and earth, we stand on the promises of God, using every opportunity to cultivate intimacy with Him, and join him in his mission to seek and save the lost. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Promises Scripture: Revelation 21:1-8

The Meaning of it All

Galaxies. Stars. Planets. The cosmos. You.

The Bible teaches God preceded it all. The Bible teaches he made it all. The Bible even teaches he actively sustains it all. The question is: Why?

Tune in to this new sermon series that explores the why of creation, which includes the why of you.

Series Playlist

The Meaning of it All
The Meaning of it All
The Why of Creation
  • The Why of Creation

    The Why of Creation

    Oct 11, 2020 • 47:25

    God could have created nothing at all and he still would have been God, complete, and happy. But God’s triune goodness is such that it delights in being shared. That is the why of creation. That is the why of salvation. That is the why of the cosmos. That is…

  • The Image of God

    The Image of God

    Oct 18, 2020 • 44:38

    Mankind was created to know God, to love God, and to resemble God unlike anything else in all of creation. Though sin has entered the equation, God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten Son that we might become like him and come to know the joy…

  • The Purpose of Life

    The Purpose of Life

    Oct 25, 2020 • 46:13

    In Christ, God is bringing heaven and earth back together, repairing what was ruptured in the Fall. The Christian life is a living expression of that: A microcosm on the individual level of all God is doing on the cosmic level in bringing all things under submission to Christ. Speaker:…