The Untouchables

A leper. A cripple. A sinner. A man possessed by devils. A bleeding woman. A dead girl. All persons whose paths crossed Jesus. All broken. All dirty. By the standards of ordinary people, all untouchable.

But Jesus is no ordinary person.

The Son of God came into the world to touch it. To transform it. To make all things new. He wasn’t disgusted by our “stuff.” He didn’t avoid it, instead he touched it and made it clean.

This collection of sermons from the gospel of Mark are about those who needed a touch the most – those who were avoided, were reviled, who were written off by the world. But Jesus reached out to them and changed their lives forever, something he’s still in the business of doing today.

“Jesus reached out and touched him.” (Mark 1:41)

Series Playlist

The Untouchables
The Untouchables
A Scandalous Touch
  • A Scandalous Touch

    A Scandalous Touch

    Jan 7, 2018 • 38:40

    The Son of God came into the world to touch it. To transform it. To make all things new. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Untouchables Scripture: Mark 1:40-45

  • Standing Room Only

    Standing Room Only

    Jan 14, 2018 • 34:52

    An Inaccessible Savior The Needs of the Needy Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: The Untouchables Scripture: Mark 2:1-12

  • Following This Savior

    Following This Savior

    Jan 21, 2018 • 42:11

    The invitation to follow The dangers of following The benefits that follow Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Untouchables Scripture: Mark 2:13-17 Audio Player

  • No Matter How Dirty

    No Matter How Dirty

    Jan 28, 2018 • 44:13

    Jesus meets us where we are Jesus doesn’t leave us like we were Jesus sends us where we need to be Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Untouchables Scripture: Mark 5:1-20

  • The Only Real Option

    The Only Real Option

    Feb 4, 2018 • 33:37

    The exhaustion of all options The bridge between despair and hope The lavish gift of life Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Untouchables Scripture: Mark 5:21-43

  • Opened to All of Him

    Opened to All of Him

    Feb 11, 2018 • 32:50

    The uniqueness of His touch The sufficiency of His touch The freedom of His touch Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Untouchables Scripture: Mark 7:31-37

Expecting Christmas

There’s something special about the season of Advent. It’s a season of preparation, a season of waiting. It’s the time of the year where we begin to prepare ourselves to celebrate the coming of the Lord. It’s a season that is pregnant with promise. Promise for hope. Promise for peace. For love and for joy. For God to make things new once more. And so we wait.

The Bible encourages us to “wait upon the Lord.” This is a special kind of waiting. It means “waiting with hope,” not “wait and see what happens.” It is not just the passing of time. It is anticipation. We have God’s promises to anticipate. He cares for us. His plans are good, not evil, toward us. We can trust Him. He keeps His promises.

Christmas declares “God always keeps his promises.” In His way, in His time. He asks us to wait…with hope. He promises to return. He promises to come into our heart. He promises us pleasant surprises.

“You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!” (Luke 1:31-33)

Series Playlist

Expecting Christmas
Expecting Christmas
  • Waiting


    Dec 3, 2017 • 36:08

    A people who wait The God who comes Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Expecting Christmas Scripture: Luke 1

  • Searching


    Dec 10, 2017 • 21:47

    Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Expecting Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:8-20

  • Seeing


    Dec 17, 2017 • 35:22

    Just as he promised The face of salvation A light to the nations Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Expecting Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:25-32

  • "Peace, Peace" When There Is No Peace

    "Peace, Peace" When There Is No Peace

    Dec 24, 2017 • 30:34

    Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Expecting Christmas Scripture: Matt 2:1-12,16


The final command of Jesus to those who desire to follow him was to go. To the ends of the earth. To be his witnesses. Simple, right?

Sometimes the simplest things can be the hardest things to do.

As Christ’s witnesses, empowered by the Spirit, we are to follow the example of our Lord and go. He hasn’t asked for our good intentions. He has asked for our whole lives, surrendered to him and his purposes, and to go and be his people for his sake in the world.

Our work is a continuation of his work. To go and to share all possible truth with all possible people in all possible ways. Connecting the whole gospel to the whole world with our whole strength.

“And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere.” (Acts 1:8)

Series Playlist

The Lord Who Connects
  • The Lord Who Connects

    The Lord Who Connects

    Nov 5, 2017 • 24:20

    Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Connecting Scripture: Acts 1:1

  • Thoroughly Connected

    Thoroughly Connected

    Nov 12, 2017 • 27:45

    The apostle was: Thorough in his teaching Thorough in his coverage Thorough in his methods Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Connecting Scripture: Acts 20:18-38

  • Obstacles to Connecting

    Obstacles to Connecting

    Nov 19, 2017 • 41:12

    Loss of urgency Absence of intentionality Misplaced religiosity Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Connecting Scripture:  Acts 17:16-34

  • The Lord of Connection

    The Lord of Connection

    Nov 26, 2017 • 48:12

    Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Connecting Scripture: Luke 10: 1-20


What would happen if the people of God were fully committed to the work of God in the world? What would happen if when we prayed, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done,” we meant it with sincerity of heart? What if we laid aside our own dreams, desires, and ambitions and allowed God to replace them with his own?

To answer these questions, we will be looking to the book of Nehemiah. We will catch a glimpse of what it looks like when God’s vision and burden becomes our own, what it looks like when people come together for a cause bigger than themselves, and what will happen when church culture is exchanged for Kingdom culture.

When God is at work, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. (re)building will be examining the limitless potential for God’s kingdom when the power of His word is coupled with the enthusiasm of committed individuals.

Series Playlist

A Burden and a Vision
  • A Burden and a Vision

    A Burden and a Vision

    Oct 1, 2017 • 40:28

    Sensing a need Offering a prayer Forming a plan Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: (re)building Scripture: Nehemiah 1-2

  • It Takes a Team

    It Takes a Team

    Oct 8, 2017 • 49:05

    Establishment of priority Unity of purpose Diversity of persons Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: (re)building Scripture: Nehemiah 3

  • When Opposition Comes

    When Opposition Comes

    Oct 15, 2017 • 41:11

    Mining treasure from trouble Undergirding our work with His “I’ve got your back!” Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: (re)building Scripture: Nehemiah 4

  • Building a People of Joy

    Building a People of Joy

    Oct 22, 2017 • 39:08

    Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: (re)building Scripture: Nehemiah 6:15-16; 8

  • First Things First

    First Things First

    Oct 29, 2017 • 43:18

    The priority of God’s Word The priority of God’s day The priority of God’s work Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: (re)building Scripture: Nehemiah 10

Pressing On

What does a life of faith look like? As Christians, we are told that we are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), but how does that become more than a nice platitude? How does that inform every aspect of our lives? How do we be a people who press on as the people of God, even when things are hard, or when the future is uncertain, or when we have settled into the numbing monotony of day to day life?

Fortunately for us, the pastor who wrote the letter to the Hebrews had a thing or two to say about these questions. He knew the circumstances of his hearers – how they went through all sorts of various trials and difficulties – and he cared enough for their lives that he spoke into their situations and offered them the hope that only comes from Christ, the “author and perfecter of our faith” (Heb. 12:2).

This sermon series is about what it means to be a people of faith. By learning from that “great cloud of witnesses,” those ancient faithful, we will see more clearly the nature of the faith the pastor who wrote Hebrews would have his hearers emulate. Their reliance upon the word of God and perseverance through whatever they faced will become a motivation for us to press on and persevere in the present today.

Series Playlist

Pressing On
Pressing On
The Faithful Ones
  • The Faithful Ones

    The Faithful Ones

    Jul 30, 2017 • 43:58

    Faith Defined Faith Lived out Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 10:39

  • Noah


    Aug 6, 2017 • 44:57

    Faith’s Obedience Faith’s Condemnation Faith’s Righteousness Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 11:7

  • Walking with God on a Leash

    Walking with God on a Leash

    Aug 13, 2017 • 33:52

    When God Tugs on the Leash Getting from Here to There Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 11:17-19; Genesis 22:1-19

  • Moses


    Aug 20, 2017 • 45:28

    “I have certainly seen” “I will be with you” “This is your sign” Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 11:23-29; Exodus 3:7-12

  • Rahab


    Aug 27, 2017 • 48:02

    Rahab’s faith Its basis Its conviction Its evidence God’s grace Its beauty Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 11:31; Joshua 2

  • Gideon


    Sep 3, 2017 • 45:39

    Breaking the cycle The unstoppable alliance The problem of two altars Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 11:32, Judges 6

  • Samson


    Sep 10, 2017 • 46:44

    Blessed are the barren Understanding the real need His Spiritual supply Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 11:32, Judges 13

  • Jephthah


    Sep 17, 2017 • 39:21

    God’s unlikely heroes The only pleasing sacrifice Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 11:32; Judges 11

  • Consider Him

    Consider Him

    Sep 24, 2017 • 42:11

    What we must reject How we must run Where we must look Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Pressing On Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3