A Voice in the Wilderness

The story of Advent is the story of light and life coming to darkness and death. It is the story of a good, faithful God and his plans to rescue and redeem that which has been lost. After centuries of silence, he speaks. And when he does, what happens is amazing. His word does not come to the halls of power or to the appointed sovereign leaders of the world, but through a voice crying out in the wilderness.

This Advent season, join us as we hear the voice of an obscure, eccentric, outlier of a prophet, who prepared the way for the long anticipated coming of the Son of God, the fulfillment of every promise and the hope of all the nations. Marvel with us as we recall that the word of God landed on the stage of history in the middle of nowhere, and that it continues to come, even still, in the midst of our own wilderness experience.

Series Playlist

A Voice in the Wilderness
A Voice in the Wilderness
Heaven's Light Breaking In
  • Heaven's Light Breaking In

    Heaven's Light Breaking In

    Nov 27, 2022 • 44:16

    Advent might begin the church’s liturgical year, but the coming of Christ is the climax of the great salvation of God that began in his own heart from before the beginning of time. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: A Voice in the Wilderness Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

  • The Word in the Wild

    The Word in the Wild

    Dec 4, 2022 • 34:12

    God still speaks through his word. It is not some secret truth, reserved for the elite or the privileged. No, it belongs to the public domain, applies to us all, and always comes at just the right time. Hear him speaking into your own wilderness. Not a message of condemnation,…

  • The Bad News Good News

    The Bad News Good News

    Dec 11, 2022 • 53:11

    God never bases his forgiveness on the good things that you and I do, but only ever on the completed and all-sufficient work of his Son. But if you have truly turned to him in repentance and faith, in total surrender, what should the fruit of that look like in…

  • The Mightier One is Coming

    The Mightier One is Coming

    Dec 18, 2022 • 40:14

    The people of God are called to live countercultural lifestyles that reflect the values of the Kingdom of God that are incomprehensible to the world. The Mightier One is Coming, and all people will either be immersed into the fullness of his life or the fullness of his wrath. Speaker:…

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