Looking With All Our Hearts

15-advent-looking - projectorEveryone is looking for love. No thing and no one can ever fulfill that desire as long as we look to anything other than Jesus. The People of God lived for millennia longing for a Messiah, a King, and a Savior. When He actually showed up those around Him were looking so hard for a Redeemer of their own making that they missed what was right in front of their faces.

We must be honest. If they could miss the One for whom they were longing then it is quite possible that we can as well. This Advent series looks at the sweeping promises of Scripture that God will go to radical lengths to show us Himself. We will gaze into the beauty of the fulfillment that Jesus is for every human longing. In order to do so we need to look for Jesus anew with open hearts. What we will find is that He longs to offer Himself far more than our searching.

Series Playlist

Looking With All Our Hearts
Looking With All Our Hearts
Looking for a King
  • Looking for a King

    Looking for a King

    Nov 29, 2015 • 46:24

    We are looking for a supernatural reign We need an invasion of the Incarnate King We need to enter His Kingdom Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: Looking With All Our Hearts Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

  • Looking for a Messiah

    Looking for a Messiah

    Dec 6, 2015 • 33:16

    We need a Savior who is sent (vv. 46-47) We have a sending God (vv. 49-55) We are to be sent (vv. 47,50,55 Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: Looking With All Our Hearts Scripture: Luke 1:46-56

  • Joy Of Christmas

    Joy Of Christmas

    Dec 13, 2015 • 19:26

    And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior (vv. 46-47) Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: Canticle Of Joy Scripture: Luke 1, 2

  • Looking for a Savior

    Looking for a Savior

    Dec 20, 2015 • 37:49

    We are all looking for Salvation (2:8-11) Who the real Savior Is (2:12-14) Really Living in His Salvation (2:15-20) Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: Looking With All Our Hearts Scripture: Luke 2:8-20

  • He is Looking for Us

    He is Looking for Us

    Dec 27, 2015 • 43:55

    He is Looking to show us Who He is – (2:22-24) He is Looking to save us – (2:25-32) He is Looking to reveal our hearts – (2:33-35) Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: Looking With All Our Hearts Scripture: Luke 2:33-35