The End.

C.S. Lewis famously once wrote, “When the author walks on to the stage the play is over.” He was referring to, of course, the second coming of Jesus Christ. It will be an event unparalleled in all of human history, and it will be a time of consequence. As Lewis notes, “It will not be the time for choosing; it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not.”

The Bible has a lot to say about the end of time (mentioned or alluded to over 300 times in the New Testament). Unfortunately, the tendency of many, even within the church, is to listen to the Bible for the wrong things. Rather than focusing on what the Bible is not saying about the topic, the people of God should be focusing on what the Bible is saying about the topic. What are the “end times” really? What will characterize the world, and what should characterize the church, in those times? What is the “Day of the Lord” and what difference does it make for my life?

The End is an end times sermon series that explores these questions and more. Those seeking answers the Bible won’t provide will be disappointed, but those with ears to hear and eyes to see what God is saying through his word will discover answers that have both immediate and eternal significance.

Series Playlist

The End.
The End.
A Time is Coming
  • A Time is Coming

    A Time is Coming

    Nov 6, 2022 • 46:52

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    When Will All This Happen?

    Nov 20, 2022 • 46:25

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