The Meaning of it All

Galaxies. Stars. Planets. The cosmos. You.

The Bible teaches God preceded it all. The Bible teaches he made it all. The Bible even teaches he actively sustains it all. The question is: Why?

Tune in to this new sermon series that explores the why of creation, which includes the why of you.

Series Playlist

The Meaning of it All
The Meaning of it All
The Why of Creation
  • The Why of Creation

    The Why of Creation

    Oct 11, 2020 • 47:25

    God could have created nothing at all and he still would have been God, complete, and happy. But God’s triune goodness is such that it delights in being shared. That is the why of creation. That is the why of salvation. That is the why of the cosmos. That is…

  • The Image of God

    The Image of God

    Oct 18, 2020 • 44:38

    Mankind was created to know God, to love God, and to resemble God unlike anything else in all of creation. Though sin has entered the equation, God loved us so much that he gave his only begotten Son that we might become like him and come to know the joy…

  • The Purpose of Life

    The Purpose of Life

    Oct 25, 2020 • 46:13

    In Christ, God is bringing heaven and earth back together, repairing what was ruptured in the Fall. The Christian life is a living expression of that: A microcosm on the individual level of all God is doing on the cosmic level in bringing all things under submission to Christ. Speaker:…