
There is a burning desire in the heart of God to bring the nations to himself. It isn’t because he in any way needs something outside of himself to be complete. It is because God himself is love—persons in perfect communion. From the very nature of his being he has created all things and invites humanity into the joy he offers and is.

That invitation is proclaimed by those called “the church.” They are the “called out” ones who are also sent out into all the world. They are compelled by the very love of God himself shed abroad in their hearts—the personal embodiment of the presence and reconciling work of Christ. They are the gospel enfleshed—men and women, boys and girls, with hearts turned out in love for the nations, who will go to whatever lengths necessary to fulfill their mission and calling.

“Destinations” is a mission-focused sermon series that explores the grandness and scope of God’s call to his church to proclaim the gospel in both word in deed, both near and far.

Series Playlist

The Love of God in the Soul of Man
  • The Love of God in the Soul of Man

    The Love of God in the Soul of Man

    Oct 9, 2022 • 45:20

    God is love. It is essential to his nature. From it he created the world, gave himself to redeem it, and makes room in his heart for you. As we think about “missions” or “outreach,” none of it makes any ultimate sense, and there is no real driving force behind…

  • Completing What is Lacking

    Completing What is Lacking

    Oct 16, 2022 • 45:53

    To complete what is lacking in the afflictions of Jesus means embodying the self-giving love of Christ to the world—to be spent, to give ourselves away, to be broken bread and poured out wine in person to those who need it. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Destinations Scripture: Colossians 1:23b-29

  • The Promise of Better Things

    The Promise of Better Things

    Oct 23, 2022 • 44:53

    There is an extremely low probability that being the type of missional person God commands you to be will result in you giving up your life in death. But there is a 100% guarantee that being the missional type of person God commands you to be will require you to…

  • For the Glory of God

    For the Glory of God

    Oct 30, 2022 • 36:49

    The ultimate purpose for missional living, giving, and going is not the alleviation of human suffering, the fight for real justice in society, or even the rescue of souls from an eternity in Hell. Those purposes, however Biblical, noble, and right are subordinate to the even higher purpose of the…

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