The Good Book

Many of us are glasses wearers. We are functionally blind without them, so for the vast majority of our waking hours they sit positioned on the bridges of our noses, and through them we visually perceive the world around us. We spend virtually all of our time looking through them, but only seldom ever look at them.

In the same way, Christians understand that without the Bible we are functionally blind as it pertains to the things of God. It is the lens, permanently fixed before the eyes of the heart, through which we see all of reality. But every now and then, it’s helpful to stop and consider some important questions like what does the Bible say about itself, how did we get it, and can it be trusted?

The Good Book is a sermon series intended to answer those types of questions. It looks at the Bible for anyone considering looking at the world through the Bible. Together we will see that the Bible can indeed be trusted and is the only reliable lens through which to see all of reality.

Series Playlist

The Good Book
The Good Book
  • God-breathed


    Sep 4, 2022 • 35:15

    God has revealed himself in the world, to the world. Through words, deeds, and the incarnation itself, God has made himself known. The record of his revelation has come to us in the form of the inspired Scriptures. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: II Timothy 3:14-17

  • Canonical


    Sep 11, 2022 • 44:00

    Revelation is personal, historical, and scriptural. It is also canonical. God wants to be known and is knowable. The canon of scripture ensures he is knowable to every generation. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: Matthew 22:29

  • Trustworthy


    Sep 18, 2022 • 49:30

    You don’t have to pick up your Bible and wonder whether or not what you are reading was what was actually inspired and written. It is God’s word for you today, and it can be trusted. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: II Peter 3:15-17

  • True


    Sep 25, 2022 • 42:22

    For the Christian, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is more than a religious belief. It is an historical event upon which all of life can be built with confidence. If Jesus rose from the dead, then all the Scriptures can be trusted. It takes more faith to reject the resurrection…

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