The choices people make can say a lot about their character. The book of 1 Samuel, written to record the life of Israel’s last judge (Samuel), the rise and fall of Israel’s first king (Saul), and the preparation for Israel’s greatest king (David), is filled with characters making choices of consequence. Some are good. Others are very bad.
“Choices’ is a sermon series that explores some of the key events in a crucial window of Israel’s history. We will see in the faithfulness and treachery of figures and events many have known since their first Sunday School class God’s providential purposes at work, and the theological insights gleaned from the inspired Scripture’s telling of history will offer guidance for being the faithful people of God for today.
Series Playlist

The Trial of One is the Salvation of Many
Sep 3, 2023 • 35:59
The way God works in the life of the individual reflects the tendency of his ways. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. No situation is too big for him. No person is too small for him. His providential purposes not only incorporate, but often rest upon, hopeless, impossible…
A Voice in the Silence
Sep 10, 2023 • 37:40
God’s voice has not gone silent, even amidst our own wicked generation. He still deals patiently with people and speaks powerfully through his word—the word entrusted to his church that has been given a window of opportunity to proclaim it to the world. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Choices Scripture: I Samuel…
Anything but God
Sep 17, 2023 • 43:18
Despite Israel’s hardness of heart, God was determined to make a people for himself. He is looking for those who will put away all their substitutes and seek not just his will, but God himself. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Choices Scripture: I Samuel 8
You Had One Job!
Sep 24, 2023 • 48:42
Yahweh is the kind of God who invites people into his plans and purposes. As Saul is revealed to be a failure as king, hope still remains. God will raise up another, a man after his own heart, from whom will come the King of all Kings! Speaker: Sean Scribner…
The Lord's Anointed
Oct 8, 2023 • 32:32
At our time of deepest despair, the word of God comes to remind us that God is in control. He has chosen his Anointed One, and his plans and purposes can be trusted. It is up to the people of God to choose to trust him. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Choices…
For the Glory of God Alone
Oct 15, 2023 • 51:26
The story of David and Goliath teaches us that having God and his word at the center of your life changes the calculus entirely. What matters is not having instruments of human power by your side, but the one true God of Israel who saves. In his eyes, the real…
Meeting God in a Cave
Oct 22, 2023 • 51:24
Speaker: Karl Bowden Series: Choices Scripture: I Samuel 24 and Psalm 57
Into the Darkness
Oct 29, 2023 • 42:37
Who better to turn to when times are dark than the one who alone has the power to transform darkness into light! Jesus Christ offers what you and I need most: Not information or knowledge of the future, or the means to control nature or fate, but intimacy and fellowship…
When Life Comes at You Fast
Nov 5, 2023 • 32:42
Where do you turn when the going gets tough? Turn to Jesus Christ, the one who suffered for you. He has entered into the depths of the human condition, conquered our greatest enemies, and freely shares the plunders of his grace. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Choices Scripture: I Samuel 30