Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

In this sermon series, we will explore the profound impact of personal relationships in bringing others to Jesus. Each week, we’ll dive into scriptures that reveal the importance of being a neighbor in the biblical sense—reaching out to others with intentionality and love, and guiding them toward a life-changing encounter with Christ.

Together we’ll discover that being a neighbor is about more than just proximity; it’s about embodying Christ’s love and being active participants in God’s mission. “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” will challenge us to reflect on how we can become instruments of God’s grace in our communities, inviting others to experience the hope and salvation that Jesus offers. Join us as we learn from these biblical examples and find practical ways to live out our calling to be true neighbors, drawing others closer to the heart of God.

Series Playlist

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Good Samaritan
  • The Good Samaritan

    The Good Samaritan

    Aug 25, 2024 • 37:27

    What is the one essential thing that matters most when it comes to this business of eternal life? It is to trust, to follow, and to be with Jesus. He has done for us what no one else can do. By his work on the cross, he releases us from…

  • The Woman at the Well

    The Woman at the Well

    Sep 1, 2024 • 34:54

    Sermon #2 of the series, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” from John 4:1-26. Speaker: Robert Jackson Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: John 4:1-26

  • The Samaritan Believers

    The Samaritan Believers

    Sep 8, 2024 • 40:54

    The unprecedented circumstances surrounding the inclusion of the Samaritans into the Christian church demanded the exceptional methods of Acts 8:17. Perhaps it was the only way the two sides of the Samaritan curtain could have ever found both Christ and each other. Who is your Samaria? Who does God want…

  • The Ethiopian Eunuch

    The Ethiopian Eunuch

    Sep 15, 2024 • 49:55

    The account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch reinforces the truth that deep intimacy with Jesus, coupled with radical yieldedness to his will, always results in eternity-impacting encounters. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: Acts 8:26-40

  • Saul and Ananias

    Saul and Ananias

    Sep 22, 2024 • 44:31

    New life in Jesus changes all of our relationships. He reconciles sinners back to the Father, incorporates them into the community of faith, then equips and sends them to be his witnesses in the world. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: Acts 9:10-19

  • Loving in Deed and Truth

    Loving in Deed and Truth

    Sep 29, 2024 • 44:30

    Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: I John 3:18

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