In 2004, the Boston Red Sox won their first World Series in 86 years. While the players on the field and management of the team were the central heroes, the narrative around the event was nearly always captured within a narrative about the city itself: its the woes and disappointments, the 86 year drought, and the breaking of the “curse”. Yes, the players were lauded as heroes, but their stories were folded into the ongoing saga of the city itself.
Cities and regions have stories, not just individuals. Within the Scriptures, we are shown histories not just of people or even people groups, but of cities. Because we’re often disconnected from the geography of the Bible, we often have a hard time seeing the work of God in particular places.
In this short sermon series, we’ll be unfolding the tales of two cities: Jericho and Bethel, tracking their narrative arch through the Old Testament, finding God’s Word speaking to us through them. We are invited to see ourselves within these stories, receiving both encouragement and warnings.
Series Playlist

Jul 18, 2021 • 33:23
Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: A Tale of Two Cities Scripture: Joshua 6:24-26; 1 Kings 16:32-34; and 2 Kings 2:19-22
Jul 25, 2021 • 41:21
Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: A Tale of Two Cities Scripture: Genesis 28:10-19; 1 Kings 12:26-33,13:5; and 2 Kings 23:15-16