So you have decided to follow Jesus. Great! But what does that really mean for a Christian in 2021? Our world seems to be spinning out of control as 2020 has left us broken from our normal patterns and grasping for control. In order to move forward, we need to look back to when the church was first established.
Please join us for a 5-message revival series entitled “This is the Way.” As we look at the book of Acts, we shall see how the early church reveals to the current church where to go. Learn how a daily walk with Jesus is the only answer to true peace, hope, joy, and purpose no matter the circumstances, political climate, or culture.
Series Playlist

Receive This
Jul 11, 2021 • 46:52
God asks nothing of us when we enter into relationship with him but to receive what he offers. This is the foundation of life in Christ. Speaker: Nathan Williamson Series: This is the Way Scripture: Acts 1:1-10
A New Me
Jul 11, 2021 • 43:58
Because of the work of Jesus Christ, you can be saved today. Because of the work of the Holy Spirit, you can be whole today. All of your actions and behaviors and usefulness to God as his followers come as a result of being made new in Him. Speaker: Nathan…
Living with the Spirit
Jul 12, 2021 • 53:20
What does life in the Spirit look like from day to day? Turn to Acts 2 and witness the simplicity of doing life and ministry together. Speaker: Nathan Williamson Series: This is the Way Scripture: Acts 2:42-47
Spirit-Led Ministry
Jul 13, 2021 • 49:55
God wants to use you to do his work at the right place and right time. As you are led by the Spirit, he will guide you to join Christ in his mission to save and heal what is lost and broken. Speaker: Nathan Williamson Series: This is the Way Scripture:…
Living a Full Life
Jul 14, 2021 • 44:49
God wants to us life a life full of his Spirit, that we might speak the truth in love, find blessing in the midst of persecution, and finish the race well. Speaker: Nathan Williamson Series: This is the Way Scripture: Acts 6:8-15