In Acts 1, the final command of Jesus to his disciples prior to his ascension was for them to “go and wait.” Those are hardly words one would expect from a great leader with global aspirations for those committed to his movement. Yet that is exactly how Jesus ended his earthly ministry, and on this side of history we can clearly see the things he had in mind for his disciples.
“When God Shows Up” is a sermon series that seeks to answer a very simple question: How should we wait for God? We’re not interested in some sort of formula to make God do something for us. We’re simply looking for some cues that might guide us in waiting for God to show up at the right place and right time.
The disciples’ waiting was not inert, but active. Perhaps God is looking for a similar sort of thing from his people today.
Series Playlist

Obedience to the Word
Jun 20, 2021 • 43:43
Jesus told his disciples to go and wait before they go out. Maybe he needed to see obedience in the small things before calling them to the big things. Could the same be true of us? Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: When God Shows Up Scripture: Acts 1:1-8
Perseverance in Prayer
Jun 27, 2021 • 50:38
The expectant belief of the apostles, grounded in the commands and promises of Christ, resulted in prayer that persevered. The expectant people of God pray with persistence, unity, and confidence in Jesus. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: When God Shows Up Scripture: Acts 1:9-26
Unity in Fellowship
Jul 4, 2021 • 41:06
If the church is at the heart of all God’s plans for human history and the very meaning of the gospel itself, should it not also be central to the lives of those who claim to belong to Jesus Christ? Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: When God Shows Up Scripture: Acts 2:1