Revival 2019 – Stumbling through the Dark

An old adage says, “If God seems far away, guess who moved.” The point being that when God seems absent it must be our fault. But the Book of Job tells a story that breaks from that conventional wisdom. Job is so holy in heart and life that even God says he is blameless and upright. Yet one day a series of unspeakable catastrophes fall on Job. His world is shattered; his grief is unbearable. And worst of all, Job finds that in his time of greatest need, God is nowhere to be found—and Job insists that he is not the one who has moved.

These messages follow Job’s bewildered journey through the dark maze of pain and confusion into the renewed presence of God. Along the way we’ll learn with Job that spiritual depth is not found in easy cliches, but in the real life battles of trust and obedience where stumbling through the dark is precisely what God has in mind.

Series Playlist

Revival 2019 - Stumbling through the Dark
Revival 2019 - Stumbling through the Dark
2019 Revival | The Pain of Easy Answers
  • 2019 Revival | The Pain of Easy Answers

    2019 Revival | The Pain of Easy Answers

    May 20, 2019 • 43:59

    Sermon #3 of the 2019 revival series, “Stumbling through the Dark: Job’s Passage to the Presence of God,” from Job 5:17-27. Speaker: Dr. Dan Burnett

  • 2019 Revival | Hiding in Plain Sight

    2019 Revival | Hiding in Plain Sight

    May 21, 2019 • 1:00:14

    Sermon #4 of the 2019 revival series, “Stumbling through the Dark: Job’s Passage to the Presence of God,” from Job 33:13-30. Speaker: Dr. Dan Burnett

  • 2019 Revival | It Isn’t Really About Suffering

    2019 Revival | It Isn’t Really About Suffering

    May 22, 2019 • 39:39

    Sermon #5 of the 2019 revival series, “Stumbling through the Dark: Job’s Passage to the Presence of God,” from Job 38:1-12. Speaker: Dr. Dan Burnett

  • 2019 Revival | An Uncomfortable Conversation

    2019 Revival | An Uncomfortable Conversation

    May 19, 2019 • 30:26

    Sermon #1 of the 2019 revival series, “Stumbling through the Dark: Job’s Passage to the Presence of God,” from Job 1:1-22. Speaker: Dr. Dan Burnett

  • 2019 Revival | The Silent Treatment

    2019 Revival | The Silent Treatment

    May 19, 2019 • 48:49

    Sermon #2 of the 2019 revival series, “Stumbling through the Dark: Job’s Passage to the Presence of God,” from Job 2:1-10. Speaker: Dr. Dan Burnett