In the cross of Jesus Christ, mercy is made available to all who would receive it by faith. To the sinner awakened to his deepest needs, it comes as a shock to discover the depths of God’s grace that takes those who were distant to God and brings them near.
But to the newly converted it comes as a shock to discover the depths of his depravity. Sin has touched every part of who we are and there is need for more than mere forgiveness. There is a need for transformation.
Before & After is a sermon series that dives into some of the changes brought about in the believer’s life by the work of the Holy Spirit. This will involve taking a look at some of the characteristics of the Apostle Peter before and after the Holy Spirit took hold of his heart. Before he was cowardly, after he was bold; before he was confused, after he was certain; before he was arrogant, after he was humble. Like all who are touched by the Spirit of God, he was the same person, but different. These differences are evidence that, while God takes us as we are, he doesn’t leave us as he finds us.
Series Playlist

May 16, 2021 • 38:16
The Spirit of God transforms the life of the believer. He comes not just to illuminate our minds to understand that the Scriptures point to Jesus and that he is the hope of the world, but he comes to unleash our tongues in witness, from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and…
May 23, 2021 • 43:34
The power of God makes mockery of the powers of this world, and his choicest instruments are not the eloquent or the polished or the professional, but simply the available, faithful, and obedient. You and I can boldly be witnesses for Jesus because God equips those he has called, has…
May 30, 2021 • 40:32
Join the Apostle Peter and marvel that Jesus invites his followers to have a hand in the things he is doing in this messianic age by the power of his Spirit. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Before & After Scripture: Matthew 26:31-35, 50-51; Acts 3:1-11
Jun 6, 2021 • 44:15
What is the final piece to the Great Commission puzzle, for the church to finally and fully be the church? Yes, the Holy Spirit provides us with a right understanding of Jesus. Yes, the Holy Spirit produces a supernatural boldness in the face of danger. Yes, the Holy Spirit enables…