The Scripture reveals some ideas that are very attractive to the human heart. Who doesn’t like the concepts of peace, comfort, hope, and love?
But there is a central concept which is the basis of all the ‘positives’ that, at first flush, does not strike us as quite so uplifting; that is the Cross.
The symbol of all the good that God offers to us in the atonement is the Cross. And, with every verse that pertains to victory the underlying theme is coming to the end of ourselves. (Phil 3:10-11) Jesus did not say, “Take up your open tomb.” He laid down a principle that He also applied to Himself, “Take up your cross and follow Me.” (Matt. 16:24) Theologians call this the “cruciform” life, a life shaped by the meaning of the cross.
In this Lenten season, we are going to delve into this startling and exhilarating command, this formative principle from which everything else in our lives emanates. Our goal will be to listen carefully to the Spirit as He illuminates any area in our lives that is not under the shadow of the Cross. The only resurrection there is must come through a cross. And the life we now live is lived with a constant glory in the Cross of Christ our Savior. Let’s dive into the uncomfortable together in order that Jesus might lift us up into the fullness of the joy of knowing Him.
Series Playlist
![The Cross-Formed Life The Cross-Formed Life](
Stuck on the Sidelines
Mar 19, 2017 • 32:17
Our responses to fear What God does for fearful people Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture: I Samuel 17
Following Jesus
Mar 26, 2017 • 41:13
Following the Life of God (4:18-19a) Following and the End of My Life (4:20-22) Following His Ends in Real Life (4:19b) Speaker: Dr.Bill Ury Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22
Thinking Like Jesus
Apr 2, 2017 • 39:00
This Mind: Comes Behind (v. 34) Disowns Self (v. 34) Carries a Cross (v. 34) Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture: Mark 8:35-37
Palm Sunday
Apr 9, 2017 • 35:06
The Glory of God Includes: Falling Dying Bearing Fruit Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture: John 12:20-26
Jul 23, 2017 • 47:55
The enemy without The enemy within The call to arms Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2