“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” (John 8:36)
What stands between you and the fullness of all Jesus has in store for your life? Make no mistake: God has a plan for you – a vision and a dream for your future. But what obstacles exist between your life in the present and his better tomorrow?
For the season of Lent, we will be looking to the gospel of John for answers to these questions. The goal: To identify some of those things needing to be let go – things that have no place in the life of true discipleship, a life marked by the freedom that Christ is offering.
Are you willing to let these things go? Are you ready to experience all he has in mind for you?

Letting Go of Pretense
Mar 10, 2019 • 40:39
To get to know the real Jesus, you must first lay aside all your preconceived notions. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Letting Go Scripture: John 1:45-51
Letting Go of Superiority
Mar 17, 2019 • 40:10
The needs of people differ in nature and degree, but Jesus Christ is the solution to them all. You and I must embody and exhibit the unifying power of the gospel in our era of social disintegration. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Letting Go Scripture: John 4:1-30
Letting Go of the Rules
Mar 24, 2019 • 39:12
You and I must let go of the rules — not the life-giving commands of God, which reveal his character and trace the lines of holiness defining our life in him — but the rules we manufacture to maintain our power, control, comfort at the expense of others. Speaker: Sean…
Letting Go of Fear
Mar 31, 2019 • 39:31
We, on almost daily basis, find ourselves engulfed in the torrents and swells of life in a broken world, but in Jesus we find refuge and shelter from the storm. He wants to come into the midst of it all, walking on top of it all. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series:…
Letting Go of Control
Apr 7, 2019 • 34:53
We can wait on Jesus. We need not doubt his character or motives. He cares about all of your life, but he is also determined to do a greater good, one that may result in delay, leading to your temporary discomfort. But his greater good always results in the glory…
Letting Go of Misplaced Devotion
Apr 14, 2019 • 41:05
Everyone wants Jesus when they think he has come to do something for them, but who is willing to submit to him as Lord? You and I must make the same decision as the people of his day. Who will it be? Jesus, the messiah, the King of all kings…
Letting Go of Jesus
Apr 21, 2019 • 35:49
The resurrection of Jesus Christ forces us to move beyond our own small perspective of all he wants to accomplish for the sake of the world and see with the eyes of faith the grander purposes of God. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Letting Go Scripture: John 20:1-18