The Christian life is one of walking with God. It involves faithfully following Jesus on whatever road he leads. The journey, however, is not without its perils. In his famous hymn, “Amazing Grace,” Newton refers to the “many dangers, toils, and snares” one can anticipate following Jesus. With each step along the path, a cacophony of voices can be heard vying for our attention, calling for us to tune out the voice of Jesus and turn another way. But the life of discipleship is always one focused on the voice of the Lord and following wherever he leads.
Voices is a Lenten sermon series challenging the follower of Jesus to remain fixed upon him. He has demonstrated what it means to be faithful in both life and death, and he promises everything we need to follow in his footsteps.
Yes, through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come. But, “’tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home.”
Series Playlist

The Voice of John (Repentance)
Feb 21, 2021 • 36:01
The word of God that comes to us in the wilderness of life not only exposes the true reality of our sinful condition, it reveals the amazing truth of God’s saving action on our behalf. And the only proper response is to repent of all our sin and turn completely…
The Voice of God (Baptism)
Feb 28, 2021 • 47:32
Jesus was baptized among the crowd that he might fully identify with you. Jesus suffered and died on the cross, that by trusting in him and surrendering to him in faith and obedience we might fully identify with and be united to him—rising from death to life, washed by the…
The Voice of Satan (Temptation)
Mar 7, 2021 • 43:20
Jesus has shown us how to tune out the voice of the devil and tune into the infinite love and power of God. The enemy’s power is real, but it is not ultimate. As people who face temptation, we can be victorious when we look to Jesus, immerse ourselves in…
The Voice of Doubters (Identity)
Mar 14, 2021 • 43:49
Jesus’ commitment to the Father, fidelity to the Scriptures, and certainty of his identity compelled him to preach an unpopular truth fraught with danger. The world is still opposed to the preaching of the gospel, but God is still using faithful men and women to proclaim it to the nations.…
The Voice of Jesus, Part 1 (Following)
Mar 21, 2021 • 49:45
No matter how distant you are from God. No matter how ordinary or marginal or how much of a nobody you might feel. Jesus takes notice of you and is closer than you might think. He looks into empty, hopeless, dead end situations and sees all new possibilities. There are…
The Voice of Jesus, Part 2 (Communion)
Mar 28, 2021 • 43:54
In the Lord’s Supper, we don’t remember the Exodus. We remember Jesus, the one who makes himself known in the breaking of the bread. In his meal, he makes himself fully present and offers himself fully to you. Will you receive him? Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Voices Scripture: Luke 22:7-20
The Voice of Witness (Remember)
Apr 4, 2021 • 41:22
The facts of the empty tomb alone are not enough to produce faith. Facts need interpretation, and the solid truth of God’s word is the interpretive lens for everything in life. You can have confidence in the claims of the Bible because of the historical reality of the resurrection of…