Jesus made a lot of promises to his disciples. He promised to be their way to the Father. He promised to prepare them a place. He promised he would do anything that they asked in his name.
But his chief promise, the Promise of all promises, was to send the Holy Spirit.
What is that? Who is he? What difference does he make? These are the questions we will be exploring in God in Us, a sermon series devoted to understanding, knowing, and being filled by the Spirit of God, the one through whom Jesus’ promises are experienced by us in all of their fullness.
Series Playlist

The Person of the Spirit
Jan 31, 2021 • 47:27
The thing that matters most in the life of the Christian and the life of a church is the Holy Spirit’s living, dynamic presence and reign. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: God in Us Scripture: John 14:16-17a
The Work of the Spirit
Feb 7, 2021 • 40:04
The Holy Spirit is the one who points to the truth that Christ is in every situation in life, the one who regenerates and transforms and purifies and makes holy, assuring us that we belong to God, and the one who empowers us for all of life and godliness and…
A Spirit-filled People
Feb 14, 2021 • 44:47
The Lord Jesus Christ longs for us to go deeper and deeper into the reality of the Spirit’s presence and power. To drink of him more deeply. To be immersed in him more fully. That we might manifest Christ to the world, carrying out his work to the glory of…