“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10)
We all look forward to something. The next season of a favorite TV show. A visit from a loved one. Christmas presents. The start (or end!) of a school year. A trip to the mountains or beach.
God created humans to be future-oriented beings whose hopes are rooted in the prospect of a better tomorrow.
God created us to dream.
No, not dream as in what your mind subconsciously thinks about while you sleep, but rather the ability to imagine a future that has not yet arrived, to exercise a Spirit-filled imagination of better days. Indeed, he wants us to see what tomorrow might be and then join him in giving it shape.
Before there was time, God had a plan for our lives. His future is meant to be discovered. He wants his dreams to become our dreams, and once they do the wonder of tomorrow will enliven every moment of today.
You and I are prisoners of time, inexorably captive to the present. Our memories keep alive the past, but our dreams give life to the future. Let’s dream God’s dreams and join him in bringing them into being.
Series Playlist

Created to Dream
Jan 20, 2019 • 42:04
Before there was time, God had a plan for your life. His future is meant to be discovered. He wants his dreams to become your dreams, and once they do the wonder of tomorrow will enliven every moment of today. Speaker: Sean ScribnerSeries: DreamingScripture: Genesis 1:26-28
God's Group Project
Jan 27, 2019 • 34:02
Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Dreaming Scripture: Ezekiel 36
The Place I Will Show You
Feb 3, 2019 • 48:04
The destination of God’s calling is not to a “where” but to a “who.” Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Dreaming Scripture: Genesis 12:1-9
Seeing Beyond Our Sight
Feb 10, 2019 • 38:36
Dreaming is how you and I can love people beyond the limits of our own lifetime; how our desires and prayers and endeavors can go further than we could ever see or travel. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Dreaming Scripture: Genesis 22:1-18
A Crisis of Belief
Feb 17, 2019 • 50:55
As you prepare to take the next big step in your journey with God, will your actions align with your beliefs? This is where the rubber meets the road for faith. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Dreaming Scripture: Joshua 1:1-9
His Better Ways
Feb 24, 2019 • 48:09
Those who choose to remain with Jesus must face some tough facts about his purposes and ways. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Dreaming Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21
When God Says No
Mar 3, 2019 • 34:49
There is a huge difference between doing something for Jesus and doing something with Jesus. To follow him we must trust the avenues he both opens and closes. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Dreaming Scripture: Acts 16:6-10