
During his earthly ministry, Jesus famously taught the lessons of his kingdom through the use of parables. In fact, Mark 4:34 states that “in his public ministry he never taught without using parables” (NLT). The Synoptic Gospels record at least 35 of them, which have been cherished by the church and used for millennia to help her understand the things of God.

While this might be a well known fact about the teaching ministry of Jesus, how much Jesus drew from the truths of the Old Testament in his parables is often overlooked. In this light, his teaching is less a matter of new revelation and more a matter of restating existing revelation with the clarity and application that his person and work represent. All truth is God’s truth, and the lines of revelation can be traced throughout the Bible from cover to cover.

“Roots” is a sermon series on the parables of Jesus with an eye toward their connection to the truth of God revealed in the Old Testament. The goal is that we would have a more holistic understanding of what Jesus taught, and how key teachings of the Old and New Testament come together in him.

Series Playlist

God’s Will

One the common things you might hear someone say in Christian circles is, “I want to know what the will of God is.” This is a fine thing to want. Indeed, God himself does will certain things for his creation, and he wants us to know what those things are. He is not a distant, aloof deity unconcerned with the affairs of the world. He is near, and he is committed to seeing his purposes and designs for his creation fulfilled.

So there is no need to have angst over this issue. God has made his will known in the scriptures. Granted, you won’t necessarily find the specific answers to every particular question you might have directly in the Bible, but the Bible provides the essential framework by which we can know and enter into the general will of God, which has bearing on his specific will for each of the particulars of life.

In Colossians 1:9, the Apostle Paul writes, “We have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.” God wants us to have “complete knowledge” of his will, and this new sermon series, “God’s Will,” offers the starting point for that to come to pass.

Series Playlist

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Repentance and Faith
  • Repentance and Faith

    Repentance and Faith

    Jun 9, 2024 • 44:07

    Jesus taught that the difference between who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven and who will not boils down to who does his Father’s will. At the center of the Father’s will is to rightly acknowledge and honor Christ as Lord, but it has to be more than mere lip…

  • Trusting Obedience

    Trusting Obedience

    Jun 16, 2024 • 46:27

    While the will of God before all else is for us to receive the fullness of Christ through repentance and faith, God’s interest and purpose for our lives does not stop there. The Scriptures affirm that he has plans for us and promises to guide us in the paths we…

  • God's Will for Us to be Holy

    God's Will for Us to be Holy

    Jun 23, 2024 • 28:40

    Speaker: Karl Bowden Series: God’s Will

  • Secret Place in God

    Secret Place in God

    Jun 30, 2024 • 44:49

    Speaker: Karl Bowden Series: God’s Will

God the Spirit

“He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.” – John 14:17, NLT

The Holy Spirit is a distinct Person within the Triune Godhead. He is not an energy, or force, or power. He is not a something, but a divine Someone. He is no less God, or personal, than the Father or the Son. This is the catholic (ie. universal) faith: “That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit.”

The Spirit can be known from the first pages of the Scriptures. He is present in the creation of the cosmos. He anoints persons for holy tasks. He illuminates the minds of the prophets. He comes upon the Messiah and rests. He is the agent of new birth and the power for holiness. He speaks, he abides, he can be grieved. The scriptures say all this and more.

“God the Spirit” is a sermon series devoted to knowing the Holy Spirit more intimately–that we might see more clearly who he is and how he operates; that we might be more attuned to his voice and open to his work; that he might reign in our hearts and use us for his purposes in bringing glory to the Father and the Son. He leads into all truth, and the truth will set you free!

Series Playlist

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit

    The Holy Spirit

    May 5, 2024 • 43:19

    The Holy Spirit is not a power, force, or emanation of God, but a divine person, co-equal to the Father and the Son. The goal for the Christian, therefore, must never be to treat him like a thing to know about and use, but as a person to draw close…

  • Symbols of the Spirit

    Symbols of the Spirit

    May 12, 2024 • 55:21

    The Bible offers certain symbols that reveal various dimensions of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Together they affirm that he is the breath of life from God, who comes to cleanse, renew, and purify those upon whom he rests because of their union with Christ. Speaker: Sean…

  • The Phenomenal Spirit

    The Phenomenal Spirit

    May 19, 2024 • 56:42

    The supernatural phenomena of Pentecost wind, fire, and speech in Acts 2 are all about the fullness of God’s presence and power available to the church through the person of the Holy Spirit. All of God, in all of us, for all the world. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: God the Spirit…

  • The Speaking Spirit

    The Speaking Spirit

    May 19, 2024 • 58:30

    The Holy Spirit is a divine person who speaks and has something to say. The primary means by which the church can hear his voice are the scriptures and prayer. Reading the Bible and praying are not disciplines we add to the spiritual life. They themselves are the spiritual life.…

  • The Abiding Spirit

    The Abiding Spirit

    May 26, 2024 • 52:50

    The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost changed the calculus forever. It was a watershed moment in the history of humanity, redefining the way that God and man relate to one another. It opened up all the possibilities of heaven: life greater than death, real transformation and power for…

  • The Giving Spirit

    The Giving Spirit

    Jun 2, 2024 • 45:34

    True Holy Spirit spirituality does not result in states of ecstasy or detachment, nor any form of disembodied individualism. The work of the Spirit in the Christian life is to incorporate embodied persons together under the Lordship of Christ. This is expressed and manifested through a variety of gifts, services,…

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

When God seems distant in life’s difficult circumstances, will we doubt his nearness and love? Does God care when we’ve been wronged and we long for vengeance? Where do we turn in the inevitable seasons of sorrow, longing, pain, or spiritual drought? In “Between a Rock and Hard Place,” we will survey the Psalms that give us a snapshot of the range of human emotions experienced by God’s people. We will find that the Psalms offer us a prescription for the soul that will equip us to navigate life’s challenges with honesty, trust, and a deepening faith in the LORD our Rock.

Series Playlist

Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
The Way of Joy
  • The Way of Joy

    The Way of Joy

    Apr 7, 2024 • 42:37

    Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Scripture: Psalm 1

  • Seeking God in Dry Seasons

    Seeking God in Dry Seasons

    Apr 14, 2024 • 43:37

    Speaker: Jeff Wortman Series: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Scripture: Psalms 42-43

  • Praying in Sorrow and Anger

    Praying in Sorrow and Anger

    Apr 21, 2024 • 48:05

    Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Scripture: Psalm 137

  • Taste and See the Goodness of God

    Taste and See the Goodness of God

    Apr 28, 2024 • 36:51

    Speaker: Jeff Wortman Series: Between a Rock and a Hard Place Scripture: Psalm 34

Upside Down Kingdom

“Upside Down Kingdom” is a Lenten sermon series that focuses on the key events of Passion Week from the perspective of the Gospel of Matthew. Together we will unpack the significance of these events in light of Matthew’s emphasis on the Kingdom of God’s arrival in Christ. It is a kingdom unlike anything in this world, in both its character and in its establishment, and at its center is Israel’s rejected Messiah to whom has been granted “all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18).

Series Playlist

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Triumphal Approach
  • The Triumphal Approach

    The Triumphal Approach

    Feb 18, 2024 • 42:46

    Jesus’ purpose in Jerusalem did not meet anyone’s expectations or demands, so within just a matter of days the very voices that praised him fell silent and the ones shaken by his arrival called for his execution. What is our response to his arrival, presence, and self-revelation in our own…

  • Cleansing the Temple

    Cleansing the Temple

    Feb 25, 2024 • 41:47

    Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: Upside Down Kingdom Scripture: Matthew 21:12-17

  • A Supper Like No Other

    A Supper Like No Other

    Mar 3, 2024 • 35:42

    Speaker: Karl Bowden Series: Upside Down Kingdom Scripture: Matthew 26:17-30

  • The Divine "No"

    The Divine "No"

    Mar 10, 2024 • 1:01:31

    Jesus shows us what true humanity looks like. He freely said “yes” to God’s divine “no,” and the result of that decision changed everything. He invites all people, not just to accept his atoning sacrifice, but to make his own God-united humanity our own, that by his work in our…

  • Life by the Sword

    Life by the Sword

    Mar 17, 2024 • 43:07

    God is in control of human history. He calls men and women to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, for salvation. Jesus invites us to join him in his commitment to the will and word of God. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Upside Down Kingdom Scripture: Matthew 26:47-56

  • Peter's Bold Rejection

    Peter's Bold Rejection

    Mar 24, 2024 • 57:05

    The work of Jesus provides both restoration for past failures and power for future boldness. The work of the disciple is not to try harder or dig deeper, but to surrender over in watchful prayer to the will and work of God. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Upside Down Kingdom Scripture: Matthew…

  • The Sunday of All Sundays

    The Sunday of All Sundays

    Mar 31, 2024 • 37:18

    This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ: That Christ died according to the Scriptures for sinners—even sinners like you and me; that Christ is risen from the dead—that he has forever broken the power of sin and death, that his victorious life can be yours today; that Christ will come…