Oftentimes, the commands of God come to us as a complete mystery. The book of Hosea details one such time in the history of Israel as God commands his prophet to marry a prostitute. What on earth could he have in mind with such a command? What could he be up to?
As it turns out, God’s message to (spiritually) adulterous Israel—on the threshold of invasion from the growing superpower of Assyria—was one that Hosea would not only have to proclaim with his words, but also with his life. Through his experience of loving the unlovable and being faithful to the unfaithful, the love and faithfulness of Yahweh would be enfleshed and put on full display. He is the faithful husband who pursues his faithless bride, a powerful truth that reveals the heart of the Holy One and prepares the way for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Unrequited Love.” is a sermon series devoted to the examination of the message of Hosea with the goal of provoking the church today to be faithful amidst a wicked and adulterous generation.
Series Playlist
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
A Scandalous Love | Pastor Sean Scribner
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A Scandalous Love | Pastor Sean Scribner
Jan 26, 2025 • 42:43
The story of Hosea is not just Israel’s story, it is humanity’s story. All of us have sinned and turned our backs on God. Yet to every one of us is given a message of warning and of wooing, that we might turn back to God in faith and experience…
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father.” (James 1:17, NLT)
Every year, people all around the world put thought and effort into giving Christmas gifts to the people they love. Some spent vast amounts of time (and money) to make sure that the recipients of their gifts are happy with and blessed by what they have been given.
But to the Christian, Christmas is so much more than a time to give and receive more “things” purchased from Amazon. It is the time of the year where we get to reflect on the greatest gift of all time: Jesus Christ, the son of the Father, given to all the world. God put eternal thought and effort into giving his creation the best he has to offer, that we might be eternally blessed.
This Advent season, join us as we unpack the gift of Christ by exploring the traditional themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. These all come from the Father in heaven, and they can only be found in Christ the Son.
Series Playlist
Christmas Gifts
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Dec 1, 2024 • 50:46
The God of surprises calls his people from every generation to make their home in the center of his will, to be about his missional work in whatever “cities” they find themselves in, and to put their hope in the future he has in store for them. Speaker: Sean Scribner…
Dec 8, 2024 • 48:37
In his son, Jesus Christ, God has withheld no spiritual blessing. Everything pronounced over Israel in Aaron’s blessing at the foot of Mt. Sinai can be found fully in him alone. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Christmas Gifts Scripture: Numbers 6:22-27
Dec 15, 2024 • 46:35
The people of God are called to be a people who rejoice. We rejoice because Christ’s first Advent means Immanuel, God with us, but also because at his second Advent we will rest in safety, forever; our souls will not be left among the dead, but will be raised to…
Dec 22, 2024 • 52:59
What would it take for you to believe that God loves you? That he delights in you with wordless adoration? That he sings and rejoices over you from a place deep within his own heart? To know this with certainty, look no further than the manger at Christmas, which points…
The life God envisions for his people is not one of isolation or extraction. The work of Jesus is not intended to pull his followers out of society, to have no part in civic life. Instead, he calls those who belong to him to embody his presence in the world, before the world, as we pass through the world as witnesses, salt, and light.
But how is the Christian to balance the needs, expectations, and requirements of life lived in two kingdoms? How do we reconcile competing authorities? How can we exercise the type of participation in the affairs of the world as Christ commands, without confusing or conflating them with the affairs of heaven? There are no simple answers to these questions, but there are biblical answers.
The Christian Citizen is a sermon series that examines biblical principles for how Christians can live obedient lives of witness and influence as “temporary residents” (I Peter 1:17) passing through this world. Grounded in a confidence in the providential goodness and power of God, believers are exhorted to be in the world, but not of the world, living out the realities of the kingdom of God amidst the nations.
Series Playlist
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Trusting the God of Providence
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Trusting the God of Providence
Oct 13, 2024 • 47:27
The reaction of the church in Acts to the growing tension and hostility it faced in the public sphere was to pray. Their prayer centered on the sovereign God of providence, superintending his world. It acknowledged not only who he is but that they too had a part to play.…
Embodying Kingdom Values
Oct 20, 2024 • 46:18
The church is the physical embodiment of Jesus Christ in the world by the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Peter refers to its individual members as “temporary residents and foreigners” who are in the world, but not of the world. As such, they are called to not only live…
Blessing That Leads to Blessing
Oct 27, 2024 • 43:19
God is not just concerned with what Christians will do at the ballot box, but who Christians will be. Not one human heart has ever been transformed by the outcome of an election. Heart transformation only comes about by the grace of God at work through the Spirit filled and…
The Priority of Unity
Nov 3, 2024 • 47:49
Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: The Christian Citizen Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16
Is Government a Good Thing?
Nov 10, 2024 • 40:50
Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: The Christian Citizen Scripture: Romans 13
Faithful Presence
Nov 17, 2024 • 44:33
The church awaits the return of Jesus to establish his kingdom upon the earth in a final, climactic way. But it is not idle in its waiting. Rather, it remains busy, putting to work what has been entrusted to it, in order to see hearts transformed and the kingdom established.…
The Most High God
Nov 24, 2024 • 50:16
The call to the faithful on Christ the King Sunday is to relent in whatever pride, stubbornness, or focus on the things of the world we might have, and to lift our eyes to heaven, that we might behold with the eyes of faith the Most High God and see…
In this sermon series, we will explore the profound impact of personal relationships in bringing others to Jesus. Each week, we’ll dive into scriptures that reveal the importance of being a neighbor in the biblical sense—reaching out to others with intentionality and love, and guiding them toward a life-changing encounter with Christ.
Together we’ll discover that being a neighbor is about more than just proximity; it’s about embodying Christ’s love and being active participants in God’s mission. “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” will challenge us to reflect on how we can become instruments of God’s grace in our communities, inviting others to experience the hope and salvation that Jesus offers. Join us as we learn from these biblical examples and find practical ways to live out our calling to be true neighbors, drawing others closer to the heart of God.
Series Playlist
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Good Samaritan
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The Good Samaritan
Aug 25, 2024 • 37:27
What is the one essential thing that matters most when it comes to this business of eternal life? It is to trust, to follow, and to be with Jesus. He has done for us what no one else can do. By his work on the cross, he releases us from…
The Woman at the Well
Sep 1, 2024 • 34:54
Sermon #2 of the series, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” from John 4:1-26. Speaker: Robert Jackson Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: John 4:1-26
The Samaritan Believers
Sep 8, 2024 • 40:54
The unprecedented circumstances surrounding the inclusion of the Samaritans into the Christian church demanded the exceptional methods of Acts 8:17. Perhaps it was the only way the two sides of the Samaritan curtain could have ever found both Christ and each other. Who is your Samaria? Who does God want…
The Ethiopian Eunuch
Sep 15, 2024 • 49:55
The account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch reinforces the truth that deep intimacy with Jesus, coupled with radical yieldedness to his will, always results in eternity-impacting encounters. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: Acts 8:26-40
Saul and Ananias
Sep 22, 2024 • 44:31
New life in Jesus changes all of our relationships. He reconciles sinners back to the Father, incorporates them into the community of faith, then equips and sends them to be his witnesses in the world. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: Acts 9:10-19
Loving in Deed and Truth
Sep 29, 2024 • 44:30
Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Scripture: I John 3:18
During his earthly ministry, Jesus famously taught the lessons of his kingdom through the use of parables. In fact, Mark 4:34 states that “in his public ministry he never taught without using parables” (NLT). The Synoptic Gospels record at least 35 of them, which have been cherished by the church and used for millennia to help her understand the things of God.
While this might be a well known fact about the teaching ministry of Jesus, how much Jesus drew from the truths of the Old Testament in his parables is often overlooked. In this light, his teaching is less a matter of new revelation and more a matter of restating existing revelation with the clarity and application that his person and work represent. All truth is God’s truth, and the lines of revelation can be traced throughout the Bible from cover to cover.
“Roots” is a sermon series on the parables of Jesus with an eye toward their connection to the truth of God revealed in the Old Testament. The goal is that we would have a more holistic understanding of what Jesus taught, and how key teachings of the Old and New Testament come together in him.
Series Playlist
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Parable of the Sower
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The Parable of the Sower
Jul 7, 2024 • 41:18
Jesus used parables to communicate the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, which gave his listeners the opportunity to choose whether to draw nearer to him or withdraw further from him. The question is not whether truth is being revealed, but whether hearts are open to receiving it. Jesus didn’t…
The Wise and Foolish Builders
Jul 14, 2024 • 40:31
The teachings of Jesus come with a challenge: Will you listen and do what he says, or not. The difference between those answers is the difference between being wise and being foolish, between blessing and catastrophe, between life and death. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Roots Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27
The Lost and Found
Jul 21, 2024 • 51:36
God is not the grouchy old man who offers salvation purely out of pity for the misery of man’s lostness. He is also not the benevolent benefactor, whose charity is impersonally extended to those in need from a distance. He is a Father who has sent his Son and Spirit…
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Jul 28, 2024 • 46:56
Jesus taught that one’s eternal fate is fixed at the point of death, and that fate is determined by choices made in this present life. How are you using every moment today in preparation for the future? God helps those who repent and call upon the name of the Lord…
The Parable of the Persistent Widow
Aug 4, 2024 • 39:35
We live in an evil, broken world—full of hardship, suffering, and injustice. But the Scriptures call those who belong to God to live (and pray) in faith—faith that says even though God may not do what is right in the timing or manner we demand, he will certainly do it…
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Aug 11, 2024 • 43:02
The wedding feast that God has prepared for his son at the end of time is open to all who will come, but only if they come in the right manner. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Roots Scripture: Matthew 22:1-14
The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids
Aug 18, 2024 • 49:43
Those who await the return of Christ must never give up nor give in. We must seek first the Kingdom of God, pursue holiness, be about the Father’s business, and make wise, eternal investments with every moment of life. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Roots Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13
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