
The Lost and Found

God is not the grouchy old man who offers salvation purely out of pity for the misery of man’s lostness. He is also not the benevolent benefactor, whose charity is impersonally extended to those in need from a distance. He is a Father who has sent his Son and Spirit to rescue and to save that which is lost and precious to him.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
Scripture: Luke 15

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Lost and Found
The Wise and Foolish Builders

The teachings of Jesus come with a challenge: Will you listen and do what he says, or not. The difference between those answers is the difference between being wise and being foolish, between blessing and catastrophe, between life and death.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Wise and Foolish Builders
The Parable of the Sower

Jesus used parables to communicate the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, which gave his listeners the opportunity to choose whether to draw nearer to him or withdraw further from him. The question is not whether truth is being revealed, but whether hearts are open to receiving it. Jesus didn’t come to offer a religious manual, but a reconciled relationship to God.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
Scripture: Matthew 13:1-23

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Parable of the Sower