
The Way Home

The central exhortation of the book of Hosea is the call in 14:1 for Israel to “return” to the Lord. What follows is the substance, the content, of returning. It is more than mere sentiment. It is a decisive action of the will to confess sin, seek forgiveness, render the praise God is due, all while putting away all other lines of salvation. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
SeriesUnrequited Love.
Scripture: Hosea 14:1-7

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Way Home
The Audacity of Grace

Hosea reminds us that the God who is a “betrayed spouse” is ultimately a loving Father who refuses to give up on or abandon the son he loves. He will do whatever it takes to bring him home again.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
SeriesUnrequited Love.
Scripture: Hosea 11:1-11

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Audacity of Grace
A People Divided

What is the hope for a people who are like a half-baked cake, an old man past his prime, a silly, witless dove, or a crooked bow? A shepherd who can lead them out of their faithlessness, giving them a heart undivided.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
SeriesUnrequited Love.
Scripture: Hosea 7:8-16

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
A People Divided
Desperate Times. Desperate Measures.

God wants to be known by you; to give life that lasts forever to you; to forgive your every sin; to heal everything that is broken; and to reconcile you to himself. The desperate times of our sinfulness called for the desperate measures of the cross.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
SeriesUnrequited Love.
Scripture: Hosea 6:1-6

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Desperate Times. Desperate Measures.
Of Raisin Cakes and Men

Through Hosea, God not only reveals his willingness to do whatever it takes to buy back his errant bride, but also whatever it takes to break the pattern of sin that keeps leading her astray. He heals his beloved’s past and makes possible new beginnings that the marriage might last forever.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
SeriesUnrequited Love.
Scripture: Hosea 3

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Of Raisin Cakes and Men