
The Meaning of His Baptism

The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan river inaugurated the coming of his messianic kingdom. In this kingdom can be found forgiveness for sins, power for new life, and the fulfillment of God’s eternal purposes to make for himself a people conformed to the image of his Son.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
Scripture: Luke 3:21-22

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
The Meaning of His Baptism
Transformation in Christ

The true transformation we seek at the start of a new year can only be found in Christ as we submit ourselves totally to him as living sacrifices pleasing unto God.

Speaker: Courtney White
Scripture: Romans 12:1-2

Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Elizabeth City EMC Podcast
Transformation in Christ

What would it take for you to believe that God loves you? That he delights in you with wordless adoration? That he sings and rejoices over you from a place deep within his own heart? To know this with certainty, look no further than the manger at Christmas, which points directly to the cross.

Speaker: Sean Scribner
SeriesChristmas Gifts
Scripture: Zephaniah 3:14-17

Christmas Gifts
Christmas Gifts