Women’s Conference Has Been Postponed

The 2021 EMC Women’s Conference scheduled for January 29-30 has been postponed due to the risks associated with COVID-19 in our area at this time. The EMC Women’s Committee will be reaching out to those who have already registered with options for what to do with your registration fees. We apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment, but we will notify you as soon as a new date is determined.

2020 Operation Christmas Child Collection

Hours of Operation:

Monday, November 16th – 10am – 1pm
Tuesday, November 17th – 2 – 5pm
Wednesday, November 18th – 5 – 8pm
Thursday, November 19th – 12 – 3pm
Friday, November 20th – 5 – 8pm
Saturday, November 21st – 11am – 3pm
Sunday, November 22nd – 2 – 6pm
Monday, November 23rd – 8 – 10am

Drop-off will be contactless this year. Please remain in your vehicles. We will retrieve the boxes from your vehicle for you and collect necessary information.

EMC Presents Voyagers
Coming September 6, 2020!

EMC proudly presents Voyagers, a Christian video series for children that will prepare them for their faith adventure. Through songs, lessons, and crafts, they will hide God’s word in their hearts and learn the basics of the Christian faith. In addition, they will have lots of fun acquiring essential life skills like tying knots and scrambling eggs to make them more independent. Voyagers is a great resources to help parents disciple their kids at home.

Produced entirely in-house by the EMC staff, 18 total episodes will be released every 2 weeks on our YouTube channel and Facebook. Each episode is based on an essential Christian truth, loosely following (and serving as a companion resource to) our children’s catechism. From September to May, each Sunday morning sermon series will be focused on the themes addressed in each video, so the whole church will be covering the same topics at the same time.

Parents, don’t miss this opportunity to disciple your kids in the home and prepare them to launch into God’s great world!

Tentative Schedule of Videos
9-6 – “Who is God?”
9-20 – “What is the Trinity?”
10-4 – “Why Did God Create the World?”
10-18 – “What Does it Mean to be Created in the Image of God?”
11-1 – “What is Sin and What Are the Effects?”
11-15 – “What is a Covenant?”
11-29 – “What is the Purpose of the Law?”
12-13 – “Why did Jesus Suffer, Die, Rise, and Ascend?”
12-27 – “Who is the Holy Spirit?”
1-10 – “What is the Church?”
1-24 – “What is the Great Commission?”
2-7 – “Why is Jesus Coming Again?”
2-21 – “What is Prevenient Grace?”
3-7 – “What is Justification?”
3-21 – “What is Sanctification?”
4-4 – “What is the Gospel?”
4-18 – “What is the Purpose of the Bible and Prayer?”
5-2 – “What is a Sacrament?”

Sunday Morning Worship Procedures

We at EMC have tried to think through what it takes to make the worship environment a safe place to meet during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are blessed with a large space for our size of congregation, so we are confident that we can worship together while observing social distancing guidelines.

Here are some key things you will need to know should you choose to worship with us on Sunday mornings:

  • The service starts at 10:15 am and it will be livestreamed. The stream goes live 15 minutes prior to the start of the service.
  • There is no Sunday School, KidZone, or nursery care.
  • Parents must keep their children with them for the duration of the worship service. Special seating will be available near the rear exits for families that might need to allow their little ones the opportunity to stretch their legs if the need arises. The ushers will make sure optimal seating is reserved for families with young children.
  • The front doors to the FYF building will be opened at 9:30 am. An usher will open the door for you so no one has to touch the handles. No rear doors will be unlocked for entry.
  • The lobby will not be open for fellowship.
  • Please enjoy fellowshipping with one another before and after the service in the parking lot. Once inside, please remain with your family unit.
  • Chairs will not be set up in rows, but rather in clusters of 2 and 4 with 6′ of spacing between each cluster in each direction. Some clusters in the rear have more than 4 chairs, and an usher can assist you if you have any additional seating needs.
  • You will find your bulletin with a song sheet insert waiting for you at your seat.
  • Ushers will collect the offering by bringing the collection bucket to you. You will not need to touch anything. Ushers will be wearing masks.
  • Masks are strongly encouraged, especially during the congregational singing.
  • If you are not feeling well in any way, please enjoy the worship service online from the comfort of your home.