2023 Family Recreation Area (FRA)

On Sunday, June 4, Elizabeth City EMC broke ground for a new Family Recreation Area (FRA) to be constructed in the field located to the north of the FYF Center. The FRA will include brand new playground equipment for both preschool and elementary age children on either side of a 1,800 square foot covered pavilion furnished with vinyl-coated picnic tables and benches. Site work is scheduled to begin in June and principal construction in August.

We are excited about the new ministries to children and families the FRA will enable for our church, our neighborhood, and our larger community. If you would like to make a financial contribution toward the completion of this project, please visit our secure online giving portal at ecityemc.churchcenter.com/giving and be sure to click “Family Recreation Area” from the drop-down box.

VBS 2023 – Stellar

Register Now!

Our VBS theme this summer is STELLAR Shine Jesus’ Light. Kids will be launched on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. STELLAR rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun.

WHEN:  Monday – Thursday, July 17 – 20

TIME:  9 am – noon (plus a closing program on Thursday evening at 5:30 pm )

WHERE:  Evangelical Methodist Church, 820 Old Okisko Rd., Elizabeth City, NC 27909

AGES:  3 (and potty trained) through rising 6th graders

COST:  Free

Contact Chelsea Wortman for more information.

Revival 2023

Join us for our 2023 spring revival with Rev. Charles Elliott, May 21-24. This is our annual event where we set time apart as the body of Christ to allow the Holy Spirit to refresh, renew, and revive. Nursery care (0-3 yrs) will be available each evening by our wonderful volunteers! Bring your family and friends for this exciting time of seeking God together as the body of Christ!

About Our Speaker

Rev. Charles “Chuck” Elliott serves as Associate Pastor of Brookside Church in Chillicothe, OH. A graduate of Circleville Bible College in Circleville OH (now Ohio Christian University) and Wesley Biblical Seminary in Jackson, MS, he is married to his lovely wife, Jenny, and together they live near the Scioto River where they enjoy forests and farms so characteristic of the wide-open spaces and hilly lifts of beautiful southern Ohio.

Both Chuck and Jenny were drawn to Jesus and gave themselves to God and His purposes very early in their lives. Chuck served as a missionary in Hungary and Ukraine for 10 years, as a Christian educator in Ohio and Mississippi for 6 years, and as a cattle producer in Ohio for 10 years. While serving in these capacities, across the past 30 years, Chuck has served multiple pastoral roles within the Church, mostly bi-vocationally. Jenny has served communities in both Ohio and Mississippi as a pharmacist for her entire professional life. Together they have sought to be faithful living witnesses of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection by conforming to the gospel and by connecting in meaningful ways with others in collegiate and congregational life.

Chuck and Jenny enjoy traveling with friends, being in nature, trying new recipes, listening to most music, drinking African and South American coffees, exploring open-air farm markets, and watching BritBox.

Over the course of revival week, Chuck will be sharing a series of messages on the theme, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming the multifaceted nature of Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality.”

Revival Sermons Playlist
2023 Spring Revival
2023 Spring Revival
Our God is Holy
  • Our God is Holy

    Our God is Holy

    May 21, 2023 • 44:59

    Sermon #1 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Exodus 15:11-13, Isaiah 6:1-3, Ezekiel 36:20-23, and Mark 1:24.

  • The Active Sanctification of Jesus

    The Active Sanctification of Jesus

    May 21, 2023 • 44:36

    Sermon #2 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Hebrews 12:10b (Heb. 5:8, 10:7, 2:14-15).

  • When the Holy Spirit Re-Spirited Humanity

    When the Holy Spirit Re-Spirited Humanity

    May 22, 2023 • 44:24

    Sermon #3 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Ezekiel 37:24-29a, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:10, 10:15-16.

  • Progressing in Fullness

    Progressing in Fullness

    May 23, 2023 • 44:21

    Sermon #4 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Hebrews 12:1-2, Phil. 3:13.

  • Making Room for Holiness

    Making Room for Holiness

    May 24, 2023 • 50:46

    Sermon #5 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from 2 Kings 8:1-6, Hebrews 3:5-19.

Schedule of Events
Sunday, May 21
9:00 am Joint Sunday school in the chapel with Chuck and Jenny
10:15 am Revival worship service
5:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
5:30 pm Evening revival service
Monday, May 22
6:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
6:30 pm Evening revival service
Tuesday, May 23
6:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Chapel Complex Prayer Room (CC101)
6:30 pm Evening revival & healing service in the chapel
Wednesday, May 24
5:30 pm All-church meal with (Firehouse or Jersey Mike’s) in the Friendship Suite. $6/person or $18/family max for sub, chips, and tea.
6:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
6:30 pm Evening revival service