Revelation Book Study

Revelation Book Study (2023)

One of modern American evangelicalism’s tendencies is to read Revelation with a narrow, obsessive focus on the future end time. The result of this approach is to miss the present application the book has for Christian life and discipleship. The revelation given to John is a message for the whole church, with the goal of bringing encouragement, hope, and assurance to believers of all ages amidst tragedy, suffering, and Satan’s efforts in the world. This heavenly revelation runs counter to the assessment of history and values from the human, earthly perspective and demands that people change and realign their views with the views of heaven.

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TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload
Introduction to Revelation77.34 MB4305-03-2023 DownloadPreview
Introduction to Revelation - Appendices72.60 KB3605-03-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 2:1-760.43 MB2205-10-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 2:8-1763.18 MB1605-17-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 2:18-3:658.83 MB1105-31-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 2:18-3:6 - Handout59.80 KB3305-31-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 3:7-2262.02 MB1006-07-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 3:7-22 - Handout68.33 KB2606-07-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 4-563.49 MB1006-14-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 4-5 - Handout56.81 KB3006-14-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 659.57 MB1106-21-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 760.22 MB1306-28-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 8:1-9:1261.35 MB1107-05-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 9:13-10:1159.64 MB1507-12-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 11 - Part 157.17 MB1207-26-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation Review - Eschatology Overview58.60 MB1409-06-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 11 - Part 254.16 MB1809-13-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 1255.46 MB1209-27-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 1360.96 MB1110-04-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 14-1557.69 MB1610-11-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 1658.84 MB1410-18-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 1746.74 MB1210-25-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 18-1957.01 MB1011-01-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 1956.61 MB1311-08-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 2055.48 MB1011-29-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 2154.12 MB1112-06-2023 DownloadPreview
Revelation 2258.16 MB1112-13-2023 DownloadPreview