Micah Book Study

Micah Book Study (Summer 2021)

We live in a broken world, don’t we? Every day brings some new crisis or disaster. The world seems to be changing at a rapid pace, and yet the truth is that it has always been broken since the introduction of sin. Deep in our hearts we sense that something is off, not just “out there” but deep inside of us as well. And we long for things to be different.

Micah is an exploration into the ideas of justice, marcy, and fairness that every generation has explored. Though written a very long time ago to a culture in many ways very different from our own, Micah speaks into the universal human experience. Through his prophet, God calls his people in all ages to “do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). And we can be sure that the commands of God are also his promises, that what we cannot do without him we are more than capable of doing with him–for his glory and the flourishing of his creation.

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TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload
Introduction to Micah34.91 MB3206-02-2021 DownloadPreview
Micah 149.75 MB2506-09-2021 DownloadPreview
Micah 248.67 MB2806-16-2021 DownloadPreview
Micah 341.78 MB2606-23-2021 DownloadPreview
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Micah 5:5b-1548.51 MB1408-11-2021 DownloadPreview
Micah 6:1-1645.63 MB1308-18-2021 DownloadPreview
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Micah 7:8-2045.13 MB1309-15-2021 DownloadPreview