James Book Study

James Book Study (2022)

Actions speak louder than words. The Christian faith is more than assenting to a few spiritual truths without any real impact on or transformation of behavior. James wants to address that notion and force the Christian to think through the answers to a variety of questions that challenge them to a very practical, action-oriented type of faith. Is my faith phony or real? Is my wisdom godly or demonic? Is my focus on the temporary or the ultimate? Is my loyalty to God whole-hearted or double-minded? Is my speech bitter or sweet? Do I discriminate against those I feel superior to? Do I blame God for my failures? Am I justified by God? How can I be sure?

Recommended Resources

  • Moo, Douglas. The Letter of James (PNTC). Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 2021.
  • Motyer, J. Alec. The Message of James (The Bible Speaks Today Series). Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2000.
TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload
James 1:1-1257.33 MB1504-20-2022 DownloadPreview
James 1:13-2755.95 MB1604-27-2022 DownloadPreview
James 2:1-1356.34 MB1705-04-2022 DownloadPreview
James 2:14-2657.90 MB1505-11-2022 DownloadPreview
James 3:1-1854.40 MB1605-25-2022 DownloadPreview
James 4:1-1253.67 MB1706-01-2022 DownloadPreview
James 4:13-5:1154.33 MB1506-08-2022 DownloadPreview
James 5:12-2070.66 MB1506-15-2022 DownloadPreview