Colossians Book Study

Colossians Book Study (2024)

It’s a common question: do you see the glass as half full or half empty? This determines whether you are considered to be an optimist or a pessimist. But for either type of person the reality is the glass is not full. What we find in Paul’s Letter to the Colossians is that God’s desire for our lives is that they actually be full. Better yet, we find that they can be full because of the One in whom dwells the fullness of God. The fullness of God dwells in Christ and we can be full in him–only him. Colossians emphasizes the preeminence, superiority, and sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ and corrects any and all tendencies to seek for fulness apart from him.

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TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload
Colossians 1:1-1247.63 MB1401-03-2024 DownloadPreview
Colossians 1:12-2057.95 MB1401-10-2024 DownloadPreview
Colossians 1:21-2:554.99 MB1301-17-2024 DownloadPreview
Colossians 2:6-753.21 MB1201-24-2024 DownloadPreview
Colossians 2:8-1552.49 MB1201-31-2024 DownloadPreview
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Colossians 3:1-1153.34 MB1102-14-2024 DownloadPreview
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Colossians 4:2-655.53 MB1403-06-2024 DownloadPreview
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Philemon 1:1-2157.41 MB1203-20-2024 DownloadPreview