Apologetics Series

Apologetics Series (Summer 2016)

The 2016 summer Apologetics Series equips disciples of Jesus Christ with tools for engaging a skeptical, secular culture. Drawing upon recent biblical scholarship, this series covers such topics as the origins and development of Scripture, the historicity of the resurrection, the philosophical arguments for the exclusivity of Christian claims, and much more. Listeners will be challenged both intellectually and at the heart level and will be motivated to be witnesses to this present age.

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TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload
What Is the Bible - Part 131.46 MB7503-23-2016 DownloadPreview
What Is the Bible - Handout262.00 KB29203-23-2016 DownloadPreview
What Is the Bible - Part 227.91 MB7804-06-2016 DownloadPreview
Canonization29.40 MB6204-13-2016 DownloadPreview
Canonization - Handout75.03 KB30404-13-2016 DownloadPreview
Textual Criticism and the KJV40.07 MB6804-20-2016 DownloadPreview
Textual Criticism and the KJV - Handout509.92 KB31504-20-2016 DownloadPreview
The Problem of Jesus28.12 MB5906-01-2016 DownloadPreview
The Problem of Jesus - Handout140.08 KB34006-01-2016 DownloadPreview
The Resurrection of Jesus - Part 127.29 MB6306-08-2016 DownloadPreview
The Resurrection of Jesus - Part 1 - Handout81.50 KB31506-08-2016 DownloadPreview
The Resurrection of Jesus - Part 231.53 MB5106-15-2016 DownloadPreview
The Resurrection of Jesus - Part 2 - Handout74.84 KB30106-15-2016 DownloadPreview
Only One True Religion - Part 133.07 MB5606-22-2016 DownloadPreview
Only One True Religion - Part 1 - Handout79.57 KB29606-22-2016 DownloadPreview
Only One True Religion - Part 230.08 MB5407-13-2016 DownloadPreview
Only One True Religion - Part 2 - Handout88.23 KB27207-13-2016 DownloadPreview
Only One True Religion - Part 328.86 MB5807-20-2016 DownloadPreview
Only One True Religion - Part 3 - Handout76.38 KB28207-20-2016 DownloadPreview
Multiculturalism, Moral Relativism, and Tolerance - Part 131.38 MB4808-03-2016 DownloadPreview
Multiculturalism, Moral Relativism, and Tolerance - Handout67.96 KB28708-03-2016 DownloadPreview
Multiculturalism, Moral Relativism, and Tolerance - Part 230.05 MB4908-10-2016 DownloadPreview
The Clues of God32.71 MB7608-17-2016 DownloadPreview
The Clues of God - Handout79.86 KB28208-17-2016 DownloadPreview
Miracles - Part 131.29 MB6108-24-2016 DownloadPreview
Miracles - Part 1 - Handout58.32 KB26808-24-2016 DownloadPreview
Miracles - Part 236.72 MB6108-31-2016 DownloadPreview
Miracles - Part 2 - Handout81.73 KB28408-31-2016 DownloadPreview