A Voice in the Wilderness

The story of Advent is the story of light and life coming to darkness and death. It is the story of a good, faithful God and his plans to rescue and redeem that which has been lost. After centuries of silence, he speaks. And when he does, what happens is amazing. His word does not come to the halls of power or to the appointed sovereign leaders of the world, but through a voice crying out in the wilderness.

This Advent season, join us as we hear the voice of an obscure, eccentric, outlier of a prophet, who prepared the way for the long anticipated coming of the Son of God, the fulfillment of every promise and the hope of all the nations. Marvel with us as we recall that the word of God landed on the stage of history in the middle of nowhere, and that it continues to come, even still, in the midst of our own wilderness experience.

Series Playlist

A Voice in the Wilderness
A Voice in the Wilderness
Heaven's Light Breaking In
  • Heaven's Light Breaking In

    Heaven's Light Breaking In

    Nov 27, 2022 • 44:16

    Advent might begin the church’s liturgical year, but the coming of Christ is the climax of the great salvation of God that began in his own heart from before the beginning of time. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: A Voice in the Wilderness Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

  • The Word in the Wild

    The Word in the Wild

    Dec 4, 2022 • 34:12

    God still speaks through his word. It is not some secret truth, reserved for the elite or the privileged. No, it belongs to the public domain, applies to us all, and always comes at just the right time. Hear him speaking into your own wilderness. Not a message of condemnation,…

  • The Bad News Good News

    The Bad News Good News

    Dec 11, 2022 • 53:11

    God never bases his forgiveness on the good things that you and I do, but only ever on the completed and all-sufficient work of his Son. But if you have truly turned to him in repentance and faith, in total surrender, what should the fruit of that look like in…

  • The Mightier One is Coming

    The Mightier One is Coming

    Dec 18, 2022 • 40:14

    The people of God are called to live countercultural lifestyles that reflect the values of the Kingdom of God that are incomprehensible to the world. The Mightier One is Coming, and all people will either be immersed into the fullness of his life or the fullness of his wrath. Speaker:…

The End.

C.S. Lewis famously once wrote, “When the author walks on to the stage the play is over.” He was referring to, of course, the second coming of Jesus Christ. It will be an event unparalleled in all of human history, and it will be a time of consequence. As Lewis notes, “It will not be the time for choosing; it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not.”

The Bible has a lot to say about the end of time (mentioned or alluded to over 300 times in the New Testament). Unfortunately, the tendency of many, even within the church, is to listen to the Bible for the wrong things. Rather than focusing on what the Bible is not saying about the topic, the people of God should be focusing on what the Bible is saying about the topic. What are the “end times” really? What will characterize the world, and what should characterize the church, in those times? What is the “Day of the Lord” and what difference does it make for my life?

The End is an end times sermon series that explores these questions and more. Those seeking answers the Bible won’t provide will be disappointed, but those with ears to hear and eyes to see what God is saying through his word will discover answers that have both immediate and eternal significance.

Series Playlist

The End.
The End.
A Time is Coming
  • A Time is Coming

    A Time is Coming

    Nov 6, 2022 • 46:52

    The world today is increasingly hostile to its creator and the truth of his word. But the more the world resists the truth, the more the church must be determined to stand upon it, especially in light of the coming return of Christ and the judgment that he brings. Speaker:…

  • Living Holy Lives As We Anticipate the Lord's Return

    Living Holy Lives As We Anticipate the Lord's Return

    Nov 13, 2022 • 39:17

    Karl Bowden shares a message from II Peter 3 on the type of holy life Christians should live in light of the Lord’s return. Speaker: Karl Bowden Series: The End. Scripture: II Peter 3

  • When Will All This Happen?

    When Will All This Happen?

    Nov 20, 2022 • 46:25

    Jesus is present with his church today, and he is coming to make right every wrong tomorrow. And until that day and hour which nobody knows, he commands us to fix our eyes on the future in such a way that it impacts every decision we make in the present.…


There is a burning desire in the heart of God to bring the nations to himself. It isn’t because he in any way needs something outside of himself to be complete. It is because God himself is love—persons in perfect communion. From the very nature of his being he has created all things and invites humanity into the joy he offers and is.

That invitation is proclaimed by those called “the church.” They are the “called out” ones who are also sent out into all the world. They are compelled by the very love of God himself shed abroad in their hearts—the personal embodiment of the presence and reconciling work of Christ. They are the gospel enfleshed—men and women, boys and girls, with hearts turned out in love for the nations, who will go to whatever lengths necessary to fulfill their mission and calling.

“Destinations” is a mission-focused sermon series that explores the grandness and scope of God’s call to his church to proclaim the gospel in both word in deed, both near and far.

Series Playlist

The Love of God in the Soul of Man
  • The Love of God in the Soul of Man

    The Love of God in the Soul of Man

    Oct 9, 2022 • 45:20

    God is love. It is essential to his nature. From it he created the world, gave himself to redeem it, and makes room in his heart for you. As we think about “missions” or “outreach,” none of it makes any ultimate sense, and there is no real driving force behind…

  • Completing What is Lacking

    Completing What is Lacking

    Oct 16, 2022 • 45:53

    To complete what is lacking in the afflictions of Jesus means embodying the self-giving love of Christ to the world—to be spent, to give ourselves away, to be broken bread and poured out wine in person to those who need it. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Destinations Scripture: Colossians 1:23b-29

  • The Promise of Better Things

    The Promise of Better Things

    Oct 23, 2022 • 44:53

    There is an extremely low probability that being the type of missional person God commands you to be will result in you giving up your life in death. But there is a 100% guarantee that being the missional type of person God commands you to be will require you to…

  • For the Glory of God

    For the Glory of God

    Oct 30, 2022 • 36:49

    The ultimate purpose for missional living, giving, and going is not the alleviation of human suffering, the fight for real justice in society, or even the rescue of souls from an eternity in Hell. Those purposes, however Biblical, noble, and right are subordinate to the even higher purpose of the…

The Good Book

Many of us are glasses wearers. We are functionally blind without them, so for the vast majority of our waking hours they sit positioned on the bridges of our noses, and through them we visually perceive the world around us. We spend virtually all of our time looking through them, but only seldom ever look at them.

In the same way, Christians understand that without the Bible we are functionally blind as it pertains to the things of God. It is the lens, permanently fixed before the eyes of the heart, through which we see all of reality. But every now and then, it’s helpful to stop and consider some important questions like what does the Bible say about itself, how did we get it, and can it be trusted?

The Good Book is a sermon series intended to answer those types of questions. It looks at the Bible for anyone considering looking at the world through the Bible. Together we will see that the Bible can indeed be trusted and is the only reliable lens through which to see all of reality.

Series Playlist

The Good Book
The Good Book
  • God-breathed


    Sep 4, 2022 • 35:15

    God has revealed himself in the world, to the world. Through words, deeds, and the incarnation itself, God has made himself known. The record of his revelation has come to us in the form of the inspired Scriptures. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: II Timothy 3:14-17

  • Canonical


    Sep 11, 2022 • 44:00

    Revelation is personal, historical, and scriptural. It is also canonical. God wants to be known and is knowable. The canon of scripture ensures he is knowable to every generation. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: Matthew 22:29

  • Trustworthy


    Sep 18, 2022 • 49:30

    You don’t have to pick up your Bible and wonder whether or not what you are reading was what was actually inspired and written. It is God’s word for you today, and it can be trusted. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: II Peter 3:15-17

  • True


    Sep 25, 2022 • 42:22

    For the Christian, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is more than a religious belief. It is an historical event upon which all of life can be built with confidence. If Jesus rose from the dead, then all the Scriptures can be trusted. It takes more faith to reject the resurrection…

We Over Me

August has arrived. The long hot days of summer are growing shorter. Vacations are winding down and school shopping is on our to-do lists. That familiar sense of one season passing by with another right around the corner is beginning its annual creep into the backs of our minds, and with it comes a renewed sense of priority and the right ordering of time and commitments.

What role does church life play in the ordering of your own time and commitments? The Bible places the church of Jesus Christ right at the center of God’s purposes for all time–a community of persons belonging to Him and one another who are urged to order their lives to prioritize the mission to which they are called, each with an important part to play. But sometimes church falls down the list of what we deem most important and we need the Bible’s strong exhortations and heavenly perspective to see things clearly and adjust our priorities.

We Over Me is a sermon series calling Christians to embrace and live out a biblical view of church life, one that sees the true value of corporate life together and what each individual person is called to be and do within it. What better way to face this season of transition than with the challenge to embrace the biblical vision for life in the Body of Christ!

Series Playlist

We Over Me
We Over Me
Caretakers of the Mystery
  • Caretakers of the Mystery

    Caretakers of the Mystery

    Aug 7, 2022 • 52:27

    God’s mysterious plan from before the beginning of time to reconcile people to himself and one another has been entrusted to the church. It is in the corporate gathering of God’s people where the message of people reconciled to one another is enfleshed. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: We Over Me Scripture:…

  • Given to One Another

    Given to One Another

    Aug 14, 2022 • 39:02

    With his dying breath, Jesus made provision for those who drew near—provision that took shape in the form of persons given to one another. To be saved is to be part of a family, and the expression of that reality by necessity occurs within a localized gathering of people with…

  • Faithful With Investments

    Faithful With Investments

    Aug 21, 2022 • 39:02

    Your time in this life as a Christian is not meant to be spent living for yourself, playing it safe on the sidelines. As humble recipients of his grace and mercy, you are to live every moment of life in light of his imminent return, employing all your lives for…

  • For the Common Good

    For the Common Good

    Aug 28, 2022 • 46:14

    The authentication of true Christian spirituality is when the Holy Spirit’s operation and influence in your life is manifested through his gifts, his services, and his energies to the glory of Christ and the benefit of his body. It’s not all about you. He, and we, over me. Speaker: Sean…