Event pages:
Art of Marriage Reschedule Date
The Art of Marriage couple’s retreat has been rescheduled for May 13th-14th. Registration for this event is still open. Please visit the event page for details and registration.
All Wednesday Church Events Cancelled for 2-24-16
Due to the threat of dangerous weather this evening, we will be cancelling all church events and meetings for tonight. Please stay safe and keep an eye on all weather alerts for your area. Also, please help pass the word on to others. God bless.
Art of Marriage Postponement
Sadly, we regret to announce that due to inclement weather the Art of Marriage retreat this weekend will be postponed. We will update you on the dates of the replacement weekend as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding and please drive safely.
Preschool Registration is Open

Preschool registration is now open for the 2016-17 school year! You may access the online enrollment form by clicking here. Each enrollment form requires a non-refundable $75 enrollment fee which can be paid via our secure online giving page. For questions, please call Freda Nelson 252-264-2254, ext. 208 or contact her by email.