EMC Welcomes Jeff Wortman and Family

Jeff Wortman and family have recently joined the fellowship and ministry team of Elizabeth City Evangelical Methodist Church. After 10 years of ministry at Potomac Baptist Church in Sterling, VA, Jeff, his wife, Chelsea, and their three young boys took a leap of faith and followed the Lord’s leading to uproot their family to come be a part of EMC. Jeff’s first day on staff as the Minister of Music & Worship was Tuesday, August 15 and we are excited to see all the Lord is going to produce for his Kingdom through Jeff’s ministry.

To learn more about Jeff, please visit his bio page from the Ministry Team section of this website. Click here to send Jeff an email welcoming him to EMC!

3-week Cancer Course

A diagnosis of cancer can turn your world upside down and leave you asking, “What do I do now?” EMC’s Stephen Ministry will be offering a study of the book, Cancer Now What?, by Dr. Kenneth Haugk. This informal course will be open to members of the congregation as well as the community. The price of the book is $16 and there is no additional cost for attending the 3 sessions which will convene in the Friendship Suites of the FYF Center at 7 pm.

  • Thursday, Sept. 21 – Our initial meeting will provide an overview of the scope & sequence of the study, some personal insights, and a discussion of some of the spiritual challenges this diagnosis can bring.
  • Thursday, Oct. 5 – Becky Hill of New Direction Center will discuss some of the emotional and relational issues connected with a cancer diagnosis.
  • Thursday, Oct. 19 – Dr. Michael Hopkins, an oncologist, will focus on a number of questions regarding the medical diagnosis and treatment process.

If you would like to order a copy of the book or have questions regarding the study, please contact us.

Fall 2017 Morning Light and Night Light

School is just around the corner and that means it is time for us to gear up for a new session of studying God’s Word together; we hope you will plan to join us.

MORNING LIGHT will begin on Thursday, September 14. We will meet for 6 Thursdays from Sept. 8th through Oct. 26th from 9:30-11:30 AM. You will receive a printed, detailed schedule at our first session. NIGHT LIGHT will also begin on the 14th from 7:00-8:30 PM and follow the same schedule. Both groups will meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Our study this session will be, Entrusted – Bible Study Book: A Study of 2 Timothy, by Beth Moore.

For complete details, visit the EMC calendar event pages for Morning Light and Night Light.

VBS 2017 – Operation Arctic

Register Now!

Join us at EMC for Vacation Bible School 2017! At Operation Arctic, kids will warm up to the Word as they explore the coolest Book on the planet and discover how we can know for sure that the Bible is God’s written word to us!

Evangelical Methodist Church
820 Okisko Rd.
Elizabeth City, NC 27909

When: August 7-9 (9am-12:00pm). Includes a special event on Wednesday evening!
Cost: FREE
Contact: Marcy White

Children ages 4 through 5th grade are welcome to attend!

Pastoral Staff Changes at EMC

From the Chairman of the Board of Stewards:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

The Holy Spirit preceded and presided over our Special Church Conference held June 21, 2017, which saw the largest turnout for a church meeting in the history of ECEMC. The church unanimously approved the call of Pastor Sean Scribner as Senior Pastor. Testimony was given that this has never happened before in the history of ECEMC. The church also approved the call of Jeff Wortman as Minister of Music and Worship. Jeff’s first day on staff will be August 15, 2017.

Please continue to pray for God’s church at EMC, our staff, and leadership team.

Pressing into Jesus together,
Charlie Bartlett
Chairman, Board of Stewards