No Sunday Activities for January 7, 2018

Due to the hazardous road conditions and frigid cold, we have decided to cancel all Sunday activities at Evangelical Methodist Church for January 7, 2018. We do not want to jeopardize anyone’s safety, so please keep safe and warm and check in on friends and neighbors.

Pastor Sean will still be preaching via Facebook Live at 10:30am from Mark 1:40-45. This is his first sermon of the new series, The Untouchables. To tune in, please visit the EMC Facebook page ( and be sure to click the ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ buttons for updates and notifications (see picture below).

May God bless you and your family as you worship together this very cold and icy weekend!

Christmas Choir Cantata

Please join us Sunday, December 10th at 10:15am for our Christmas Cantata, “Night of the Father’s Love: The Awe and Mystery of God with Us.”

The night of the Father’s love….
the night the ancient prophecies were fulfilled;
the night of the angelic announcement of the birth as the star shone brightly above, leading others to witness this incredible gift of love from God in Human form – the Christ Child.

Operation Christmas Child Collection Center Times

EMC will be collecting Operation Christmas Child drop-offs during the following hours:

Monday 11/13/17 9 am 10 am
Tuesday 11/14/17 1 pm 5 pm
Wednesday 11/15/17 4 pm 8 pm
Thursday 11/16/17 10 am 2 pm
Friday 11/17/17 4 pm 8 pm
Saturday 11/18/17 10 am 4 pm
Sunday 11/19/17 2 pm 8 pm
Monday 11/20/17 8 am 10 am

Please use the kitchen door on the far side of the chapel complex. See the Campus Map for reference.

For more information, call our toll free number at 1-800-597-6775. Locally, call 252-333-4055 or 252-264-2254.

Thank you for participating in the Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry!

Wednesday Night Schedule Change

Starting Wednesday, September 6, 2017 the following changes to our Wednesday evening schedule will take effect:

  • Wednesday Nite Supper, every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, begin at 5:45pm.
  • KidZ Worship, Infused Student Ministry, and Adult Choir Rehearsal all begin at 6:30pm and end at 8:00pm.