Revival 2019 – Stumbling through the Dark

Join us for our 2019 spring revival – Stumbling through the Dark – with Rev. Dr. Dan Burnett, May 19-22. This is our annual event where we set time apart as the Body of Christ to allow the Holy Spirit to refresh, renew, and revive. Nursery care (0-3 yrs) will be available each evening by our wonderful volunteers! Bring your family and friends for this exciting time of seeking God together as the body of Christ!

Stumbling through the Dark: Job’s Passage to the Presence of God

An old adage says, “If God seems far away, guess who moved.” The point being that when God seems absent it must be our fault. But the Book of Job tells a story that breaks from that conventional wisdom. Job is so holy in heart and life that even God says he is blameless and upright. Yet one day a series of unspeakable catastrophes fall on Job. His world is shattered; his grief is unbearable. And worst of all, Job finds that in his time of greatest need, God is nowhere to be found—and Job insists that he is not the one who has moved.

These messages follow Job’s bewildered journey through the dark maze of pain and confusion into the renewed presence of God. Along the way we’ll learn with Job that spiritual depth is not found in easy cliches, but in the real life battles of trust and obedience where stumbling through the dark is precisely what God has in mind.

Schedule of Events
Sunday, May 19
9:00 am Joint Sunday school in the chapel with Dan Burnett
10:15 am Revival worship service
5:00 pm Churchwide potluck in the Friendship Suite. The church will provide the meat and beverages for this meal. No sign-up is required. Dishes needed: vegetables, salads, and desserts to share.
5:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
6:00 pm Evening revival service
Monday, May 20
6:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
7:00 pm Evening revival service
Tuesday, May 21
6:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
7:00 pm Evening revival service
Wednesday, May 22
6:00 pm All-church meal with Chick-fil-a in the Friendship Suite. The cost is $5.00 per person. Please sign up at the Information Table or Connections Corner.
6:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
7:00 pm Evening revival service
About Our Speaker

Dan Burnett is pastor of the Olde Towne Community Church in Ridgeland, Mississippi. Previously he served in other pastoral, administrative, and academic capacities in several states and England. He is the author of numerous Bible study resources as well as publications on the life and theology of the 18th century founder of Methodism, John Wesley. He is a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University, Nazarene Theological Seminary, and the University of Missouri. His wife, Joyce, is a hospice bereavement counselor and a phenomenal keyboard musician. They are the parents of two married daughters and the proud grandparents of one grandson.

VBS 2019 – Roar!

Register Online!

Roar VBS is an African adventure for the entire crew. Students will learn that “God is good” and will stay with them forever. This epic African adventure engages the whole herd. At Roar, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.

Evangelical Methodist Church
820 Okisko Rd.
Elizabeth City, NC 27909

When: July 15-18 (9am-12:00pm). Includes a special event on Thursday evening!
Cost: FREE
Contact: Marcy White

Children ages 4 through 5th grade are welcome to attend!