Tuesday Church Life Update

Greetings, beloved EMC family and friends!

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last published one of these church life updates. Please forgive me. Last week I traveled to Ohio to preach my grandmother’s funeral. She passed away peacefully at the age of 94 and we buried her 14 years to the day of when my grandfather (her husband) passed away. I was honored to conduct the service and proclaim the hope of the good news of Jesus Christ to my family, which includes several who are unsaved with children who heard the gospel for perhaps the first time in their lives. It was a bittersweet visit, but I am grateful to have been able to see my family and make it there and back in one piece. Thank you for your many cards and expressions of sympathy and encouragement. My family and I feel so loved by you, and I hope you know how much you are loved in return.

There are several important updates for this week that I would like to share below. Please take a few minutes to read this message in its entirety:

  • All group activities on campus have been cancelled or postponed for the month of May. We continue to monitor the directives from the White House and Governor’s office regarding the phased easing of restrictions, but for now it appears that the shelter-in-place order will continue at least through the end of the month.
  • It may be many months before “normal” church will resume. Even when restrictions begin to be lifted, rules will still be in place to limit mass gatherings. There will be an even longer period of time where it may be unsafe for certain folks to congregate, while many others may simply wish not to. In fact, I foresee the next 12-18 months as a season where we need to offer church in a variety of formats. We are preparing for it all. Please prepare yourself for our new “normal” with the assurance that whatever happens EMC will continue to carry out our vision and mission in faithfulness to Jesus however possible.
  • Bible study and prayer will be streamed live tomorrow night at 7pm on Facebook Live. Please join us for an hour of fellowship, study, and intercession.
  • If you know anyone struggling financially, please invite them to EMC’s drive-thru family night supper this coming Monday, May 11, from 5-7pm, hosted by the EMC women’s committee. The meal is free for our church family and people we know who may be struggling, but voluntary donations to offset costs would be greatly appreciated. This event will be a great no-contact, low pressure way to reach out, share the love of Christ, and provide for families in need.
  • This week is the final week that the Culpepper Inn will be providing breakfasts to make ends meet. Holly shared a post on their Facebook page a couple days ago expressing the dire situation they are facing right now, which I encourage you to read. This is a family from our own congregation who has given a lot to our church and community for many years, and they need our help.

    Sheri Dennis has shared with me an initiative to try to support the Audettes during this difficult season called the Culpepper Inn Challenge:

    Let’s come together to keep this Community-oriented Inn running! Keith Dennis and I are challenging ALL friends of Culpepper Inn (YOU) to join us in making a pledge to reserve a room once a month ($94 plus tax) at the Culpepper Inn through the summer (or to make whatever large or small donation you are able to make.) 80 Rooms a month are needed to be booked through September in order for the Inn to make it. Holly Audette and Michael Audette give tirelessly and selflessly to this community. We cannot standby and not help out in their time of need. Let’s be the hands and feet of Christ. May God bless and save the Inn!

    If you need more information on how you can help, please contact the church office. Let’s all pitch in however we are able to help this family weather this storm!

  • Tithes, offerings, and giving toward the Building Fund, Faith Promise, etc. can be mailed to the church office or submitted online:

I know that was a lot to read through, but thank you for taking the time to stay on top of the latest happenings here at EMC. We will continue navigating our uncertain future together with our eyes fixed on Jesus. We have nothing to fear and everything to be grateful for. Keep me posted with any needs you might have. I can’t wait to see you all again!

In Him. With you.
Pastor Sean

Wednesday Church Life Update

Greetings, EMC family!

I hope this beautiful Wednesday afternoon finds you all safe and well. Below are the latest things from our church life for your awareness:

  • Bible study and prayer will be streamed live tonight at 7pm on Facebook Live. Please join us for an hour of fellowship, study, and intercession.
  • Culpepper Inn has been posting pictures all week of first responders treated to breakfast by EMC. Check them out and be sure to Like them and show your support!
  • Pastor Jeff is hosting a Friday Night Hymn Sing on May 1 at 7pm on Facebook Live. Gather your family and join him for an encouraging time of prayer, devotion, and lots of singing.
  • May 3 is communion Sunday, so be sure to stop by and pick up your Fellowship Cups. If you cannot come by, let us know and we will bring them to you.
  • Tithes, offerings , and giving toward the Building Fund, Faith Promise, etc. can be mailed to the church office or submitted online:

I sure miss being together in person. Things just aren’t the same these days, and it’s hard. We still have no idea what the future holds with regard to getting past this pandemic and being able to return to work and corporate worship gatherings. With all this uncertainty, the words of Proverbs 3:5-6 ring extra true:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

Jesus never fails, beloved! Trust him!

In Him. With you.
Pastor Sean

Wednesday Church Life Update

Greetings, EMC family! He is still risen, indeed!

Easter was a glorious day, despite the fact we could not meet together physically. It was such a beautiful culmination of all our preparation during Lent, and the Lord was present among his scattered people. I hope you were encouraged by the reminder that we are a people of sure, living hope because our lives belong to a living, victorious Lord. I know I was. Easter hope is not a once-per-year experience, but the very fabric of our lives. As Peter declared, “he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (I Peter 1:3). Living hope defines every day of our lives, not just the highest day on our liturgical calendar. So be hopeful, church. Trust in Christ who lives!

Here is a quick summary of things you need to know this week:

  • Join us for Bible study and prayer this Wednesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.
  • EMC has partnered with Culpepper Inn to provide 100 free breakfasts for first responders! Special thanks to Mike and Holly for allowing us to partner with them and to all who gave toward this effort. Additional gifts can be given online by visiting our online giving page and selecting ‘First Responders’ from the ‘Designation’ drop-down box.
  • The entire chapel complex will be closed down for the remainder of this week so that the floors can be stripped and waxed. Jessica can still be reached if you call the church office. Her extension will forward all calls to her cell phone. Thank you for your patience.
  • Pastors Aaron and Jeff will be tag-teaming our new sermon series, “Almost Good News,” beginning this Sunday.
  • Tithes, offerings , and giving toward the Building Fund, Faith Promise, etc. can be mailed to the church office or submitted online:

That’s all I have for today. Stay positive, keep in touch with one another, and fix your eyes on Jesus. I love you all.

In Him with hope. With you.
Pastor Sean

Good Friday Church Life Update

Greetings, beloved! Here are just a few quick things to run by you as we prepare for Easter Sunday:

  • For those who want to take the Holy Week “Stations of the Cross” self-guided tour on the campus but can’t, I have created a virtual tour that you can take from home! Click here to view and share it with others.
  • Invite your Facebook friends to join us for our Easter Sunday Celebration livestream. Click here to view and share the scheduled livestream event on Facebook.
  • Join us in sharing your #JesusChangedMyLife story.
    • Create a short video of yourself sharing your testimony of how Jesus changed your life.
    • Share the video on social media sometime this week, using the hashtag #JesusChangedMyLife and tagging EMC in your post (@ECityEMC).
    • Pray that the resurrection power of Jesus on display in these videos would inspire many to tune into a service on Easter.
  • EMC is partnering with Culpepper Inn to provide free breakfasts for first responders! We need your help to make this possible. To donate toward this special outreach opportunity, please visit our online giving page by Easter Sunday night and select ‘First Responders’ from the ‘Designation’ drop-down box.

That’s all for now. Thanks for being such a wonderful, loving, caring, and faithful church family. I love you and look forward to worshiping our risen King in a couple of days.

Yes, it’s Friday, but Sunday is a comin’!

In Him. With you.
Pastor Sean

Holy Week Church Life Update

Beloved EMC Family,

Holy Week is here! Below are a variety of opportunities for you to celebrate and participate in the life of EMC during these sacred days. Please be sure to read everything. There’s a lot of new things for you to see:

  • Join us for Bible study and prayer this Wednesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live (or watch the livestream on our website).
    • Each livestream begins 15 minutes before the service time to allow folks to get connected.
  • Our special Holy Week “Stations of the Cross” self-guided tour on the campus begins the morning of Maundy Thursday (April 9th) and ends the evening of Holy Saturday (April 11th). Outdoor stations will be set up around campus for you to come read Scripture, sing, and meditate on Jesus’ work on the cross.
    • Click here to view the outdoor locations and instructions
    • Please bring your smartphone and Bible with you. (If your smartphone is not capable of reading QR codes, click here for an alternate list of links.)
  • Invite your Facebook friends to join us for our Easter Sunday Celebration livestream. Click here to view and share the scheduled livestream event on Facebook.
  • Join us in sharing your #JesusChangedMyLife story.
    • Create a one- to two-minute video of yourself sharing your testimony of how Jesus changed your life. Here are some tips on how to tell your story, as well as selfie video best practices (see also here). Include an invitation at the end of your video for others to believe in Jesus, and welcome them to follow up with you or another Christian community for help in this difficult season. If you don’t want to share a video of yourself, feel free to just write your testimony in a social-media post!
    • Share the video on social media sometime this week. Be sure to use hashtag #JesusChangedMyLife and tag EMC in your post (e.g. #JesusChangedMyLife @ECityEMC) so people can learn more about Jesus through a local church.
    • Pray that the resurrection power of Jesus on display in these videos would inspire many to tune into a service on Easter and begin their own #JesusChangedMyLife journeys.
  • EMC is partnering with Culpepper Inn to provide free breakfasts for first responders! We need your help to make this possible. To donate toward this special outreach opportunity, please send your checks to the church this week with “First Responders” in the memo line, or visit our online giving page and select ‘First Responders’ from the ‘Designation’ drop-down box. The more you give, the more we can be a blessing to those who are serving us on the front lines. Thank you!
  • Tithes, offerings , and giving toward the Building Fund, Faith Promise, etc. can be mailed to the church office or submitted online:

I am so excited about everything coming up this week and I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible both online and on-campus!

In Him. With you.
Pastor Sean