Catechism – Week 14 – Jesus’ Death
Why Did Jesus Need to Suffer and Die Upon the Cross?

Romans 6:23a – [The] wages of sin is death. (NIV)

What is a wage?
A wage is the payment for something. Possible example: When you do your chores, you earn your allowance. Your allowance is your wage for the chores. Other example: When mom or dad goes to work, they earn a wage for their work. I get paid an agreed upon amount for the amount of work I am required to do. Continue reading Catechism – Week 14 – Jesus’ Death

Catechism – Week 11 – The Temple
What is the Purpose of the Temple?

Last week, we discussed priests and sacrifices that allow us as sinful people to have a relationship to a holy God. (For explanation on how temples relate to God’s holiness please check out this animated explanation.) The sacrifices and the priests operated in a portable tent known as the tabernacle. Many years later under King Solomon, a temple would be built. Unlike the tabernacle, the temple was a building and did not move. When Solomon built the temple he prayed: Continue reading Catechism – Week 11 – The Temple