Impossible Forgiveness

As we enter into the final stretch of lent, we continue to prepare ourselves for Easter.

Over the next week, ending on Good Friday, your pastoral staff will be putting out a short meditation on one of the seven last words of Jesus before he passed.

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34a; NLT)

An Uncommon Prayer

It’s very common for someone facing death to pray, but the content of Jesus’ prayer is what is so odd. For those suffering and being executed, two responses were typical. Continue reading Impossible Forgiveness

Christianity Beyond K-Love: Why the Church Needs Ash Wednesday

Turning on the car, I hear the familiar sound that is both positive and encouraging. Against the backdrop of other stations, these God-centered, hope-filled songs often come as a welcome alternative.

However, this doesn’t encompass the whole of the Christian life. As we walk through suffering, pain, and loss the barrage of cheeriness often feels more naive and plastic than an anchor of hope to sustain us. Continue reading Christianity Beyond K-Love: Why the Church Needs Ash Wednesday

Book Review: Unimaginable

I was very excited to begin reading Jeremiah Johnston’s book Unimaginable: What Our World Would be Like Without Christianity. I enjoy reading apologetics and have spent time teaching this material. The evils of the church throughout history comes up at points and I was excited to dive into this work. Johnston is a lucid and accessible writer, making this a pretty easy read. Continue reading Book Review: Unimaginable

Book Review: Pray About Everything

Paul Tautges, in his short book Pray About Everything: Cultivating God-Dependency seeks to call churches and pastors to create a culture of prayer in the church.

While it is framed as an appeal to pastors, the content is accessible and beneficial for laypersons, since the bulk of the book are sermonettes designed to be given to a congregation to help instill prayer as a high value. The appendices at the end, give further ideas of how to implement pray as a central focus in a church or small groups. Continue reading Book Review: Pray About Everything

Book Review: The Resurrection Fact

The Resurrection Fact attempts to deal with many of the philosophical and historical arguments against the resurrection. If you are new to the discussion, it will acquaint you with many of the arguments for the proponents (e.g. N. T. Wright, Gary Habermas, W. L. Craig, etc.) as well as many of the skeptics (Bart Ehrman, J. D. Crossan etc.). Having been relatively familiar with both sides, I found the book helpful in summarizing and giving evidence against skeptical arguments. Continue reading Book Review: The Resurrection Fact