Growing Into a Holy Temple

You also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit (Ephesians 2:22)

No spiritually-minded Israelite would ever argue that God actually “lived” somewhere on earth, as though his presence could somehow be contained in a physical structure made by human hands. The entire universe could never contain his infinite being, let alone a single building. However, they did understand that the temple – which sat at the heart of their religious and cultural life – was the dwelling place of God, or, more specifically, the place on earth where God promised to manifest his shekinah glory (in the inner sanctuary), a symbol of the reality that he dwelt among his people.

The new temple, however, is neither a material building nor a national shrine. Rather, it is the spiritual building of God’s household (Eph. 2:19), comprised of an international community of both Jews and Gentiles (Eph. 2:14), and can be found anywhere in the world where his people can be found. This is where God resides – in the hearts of those who call Jesus Christ Lord and in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. It is there – in the deepest recesses of our very lives and personhood – where God makes his “dwelling place” on earth, a “holy temple” (Eph. 2:21) filled with the fullness of God’s Triune life by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God doesn’t live in any physical structure made by man. No matter how ornate or beautiful or expensive the building is, he chooses instead to take residence in ordinary people, like you and me, who open their lives and invite him in. Give him access to the inner sanctuary of your own heart and watch as he fills you with his glorious life!

Sean Scribner
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