All posts by Aaron Meservey

About Aaron Meservey

Pastor Aaron was the Associate Pastor of Outreach & Discipleship at EMC. He and his wife Liz have four daughters, Eden, Chara, Aviah, and Ezri.

Guard Your Heart: The Liturgies of the Home

you-are-what-you-love-coverThis is part of our series where we are discussing James K. A. Smith’s book You Are What You Love. Please check out or review part 1 and part 2 to get caught up. We are skipping chapters 3 and 4, though they are quite good, to get to more immediate application for family discipleship.

Chapter 5-Guard Your Heart: The Liturgies of the Home

In the first two chapters we discussed how our lives follow what we love, which is formed by “liturgies” in which we engage. We then saw how our world is full of rival stories (liturgies) to the gospel that cause us to love other things other than God. Often mundane, seemingly neutral activities are loaded with alien visions of the good life, the human problem, and our salvation that draw our hearts away from loving God. Continue reading Guard Your Heart: The Liturgies of the Home

Catechism – Week 14 – Jesus’ Death
Why Did Jesus Need to Suffer and Die Upon the Cross?

Romans 6:23a – [The] wages of sin is death. (NIV)

What is a wage?
A wage is the payment for something. Possible example: When you do your chores, you earn your allowance. Your allowance is your wage for the chores. Other example: When mom or dad goes to work, they earn a wage for their work. I get paid an agreed upon amount for the amount of work I am required to do. Continue reading Catechism – Week 14 – Jesus’ Death

Catechism – Week 11 – The Temple
What is the Purpose of the Temple?

Last week, we discussed priests and sacrifices that allow us as sinful people to have a relationship to a holy God. (For explanation on how temples relate to God’s holiness please check out this animated explanation.) The sacrifices and the priests operated in a portable tent known as the tabernacle. Many years later under King Solomon, a temple would be built. Unlike the tabernacle, the temple was a building and did not move. When Solomon built the temple he prayed: Continue reading Catechism – Week 11 – The Temple