All posts by EMC Admin

The Good Book

Many of us are glasses wearers. We are functionally blind without them, so for the vast majority of our waking hours they sit positioned on the bridges of our noses, and through them we visually perceive the world around us. We spend virtually all of our time looking through them, but only seldom ever look at them.

In the same way, Christians understand that without the Bible we are functionally blind as it pertains to the things of God. It is the lens, permanently fixed before the eyes of the heart, through which we see all of reality. But every now and then, it’s helpful to stop and consider some important questions like what does the Bible say about itself, how did we get it, and can it be trusted?

The Good Book is a sermon series intended to answer those types of questions. It looks at the Bible for anyone considering looking at the world through the Bible. Together we will see that the Bible can indeed be trusted and is the only reliable lens through which to see all of reality.

Series Playlist

The Good Book
The Good Book
  • God-breathed


    Sep 4, 2022 • 35:15

    God has revealed himself in the world, to the world. Through words, deeds, and the incarnation itself, God has made himself known. The record of his revelation has come to us in the form of the inspired Scriptures. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: II Timothy 3:14-17

  • Canonical


    Sep 11, 2022 • 44:00

    Revelation is personal, historical, and scriptural. It is also canonical. God wants to be known and is knowable. The canon of scripture ensures he is knowable to every generation. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: Matthew 22:29

  • Trustworthy


    Sep 18, 2022 • 49:30

    You don’t have to pick up your Bible and wonder whether or not what you are reading was what was actually inspired and written. It is God’s word for you today, and it can be trusted. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Good Book Scripture: II Peter 3:15-17

  • True


    Sep 25, 2022 • 42:22

    For the Christian, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is more than a religious belief. It is an historical event upon which all of life can be built with confidence. If Jesus rose from the dead, then all the Scriptures can be trusted. It takes more faith to reject the resurrection…

We Over Me

August has arrived. The long hot days of summer are growing shorter. Vacations are winding down and school shopping is on our to-do lists. That familiar sense of one season passing by with another right around the corner is beginning its annual creep into the backs of our minds, and with it comes a renewed sense of priority and the right ordering of time and commitments.

What role does church life play in the ordering of your own time and commitments? The Bible places the church of Jesus Christ right at the center of God’s purposes for all time–a community of persons belonging to Him and one another who are urged to order their lives to prioritize the mission to which they are called, each with an important part to play. But sometimes church falls down the list of what we deem most important and we need the Bible’s strong exhortations and heavenly perspective to see things clearly and adjust our priorities.

We Over Me is a sermon series calling Christians to embrace and live out a biblical view of church life, one that sees the true value of corporate life together and what each individual person is called to be and do within it. What better way to face this season of transition than with the challenge to embrace the biblical vision for life in the Body of Christ!

Series Playlist

We Over Me
We Over Me
Caretakers of the Mystery
  • Caretakers of the Mystery

    Caretakers of the Mystery

    Aug 7, 2022 • 52:27

    God’s mysterious plan from before the beginning of time to reconcile people to himself and one another has been entrusted to the church. It is in the corporate gathering of God’s people where the message of people reconciled to one another is enfleshed. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: We Over Me Scripture:…

  • Given to One Another

    Given to One Another

    Aug 14, 2022 • 39:02

    With his dying breath, Jesus made provision for those who drew near—provision that took shape in the form of persons given to one another. To be saved is to be part of a family, and the expression of that reality by necessity occurs within a localized gathering of people with…

  • Faithful With Investments

    Faithful With Investments

    Aug 21, 2022 • 39:02

    Your time in this life as a Christian is not meant to be spent living for yourself, playing it safe on the sidelines. As humble recipients of his grace and mercy, you are to live every moment of life in light of his imminent return, employing all your lives for…

  • For the Common Good

    For the Common Good

    Aug 28, 2022 • 46:14

    The authentication of true Christian spirituality is when the Holy Spirit’s operation and influence in your life is manifested through his gifts, his services, and his energies to the glory of Christ and the benefit of his body. It’s not all about you. He, and we, over me. Speaker: Sean…


What do you want to be when you grow up? There was a time when the answer to this question fell along the lines of aspiring to become a part of something greater than oneself. An astronaut. A scientist. A doctor. People who contribute to the betterment of human civilization. But as culture continues its movement toward the supremacy of the self, the answer to this question is becoming more and more superficial and self-focused. The most desirable future for today’s young people? To be a social media influencer.

Jesus has something else in mind for his followers. It isn’t something focused on the self, nor is it abstraction from the world. His followers are to be a different kind of influencer, the kind that remains in the world but not of the world, the kind that embodies and lives out the values of his Kingdom amidst life in the lesser, earthly kingdoms in which they live. Members of the Body of Christ are meant to participate in an enterprise much greater than themselves, resulting in the betterment of the world around them.

Influencers is a 3-part sermon series that looks at the impact Christians are to have in their homes, churches, schools, and workplaces as salt and light, following the example of Christ.

Series Playlist

Salt and Light
  • Salt and Light

    Salt and Light

    Jul 10, 2022 • 39:45

    The lesson of the beatitudes is that those who embody the values of God’s Kingdom will be blessed. But Jesus goes on to insist that those who are blessed must be agents of change in a world that is dying and in darkness, bringing glory and honor to God. Speaker:…

  • All Things to All People

    All Things to All People

    Jul 17, 2022 • 45:44

    The apostle Paul shared all possible truth with all possible people in all possible ways—the whole gospel to the whole region with his whole strength. This is the type of influencer you and I are called to be. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Influencers Scripture: I Corinthians 9:19-23

  • Witnesses in Word and Life

    Witnesses in Word and Life

    Jul 24, 2022 • 38:38

    Suffering is not incompatible with blessing, but is actually an opportunity for both blessing and witness. The people of God are called to fear nothing but God and be a bold, audible, and visual witness for Jesus. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Influencers Scripture: I Peter 3:13-17

  • The Servant's Heart

    The Servant's Heart

    Jul 31, 2022 • 44:45

    Speaker: Richard Meservey Series: Influencers Scripture: Luke 12:35-48

Awestruck Wonder

What brings you your greatest joy and satisfaction? For some it’s their family and friends. For others it’s their calling or career, or perhaps even a hobby or special kind of activity. But what happens when those things are lost or stolen? Or what happens when those things become ordinary to us and we fail to see them for what they truly are?

The Bible speaks of a great salvation that is offered by God to all mankind. It is the greatest gift, the most supreme source of delight, that which satisfies above all else. Though offered to all, many have not received it. Though received by many, some have taken it for granted and forget what a blessing it truly is.

Awestruck Wonder is a sermon series devoted to beholding and appreciating the beauty and mystery of salvation–a treasure worth exchanging all we have to obtain, a present reality for today, and a future hope for tomorrow.

Series Playlist

Awestruck Wonder
Awestruck Wonder
An Amazing Salvation
  • An Amazing Salvation

    An Amazing Salvation

    Jun 5, 2022 • 36:20

    Peter’s message to a people undergoing adversity is to not allow those things to rob them of their joy or distort their perspective. Remember all God has done for you. Keep your eyes fixed on the inheritance that awaits you. Don’t lose sight of the greatness of salvation or the…

  • A Triune Salvation

    A Triune Salvation

    Jun 12, 2022 • 51:46

    At creation, the self-sufficient, 3-in-1 God, out of love, made room within himself for others who are not himself. Through the Son and by the Holy Spirit, the Father is working to restore that which has been lost. When we, by faith, say yes to his gracious offer of salvation,…

  • Children of the Father

    Children of the Father

    Jun 19, 2022 • 53:42

    The salvation offered by God is more than a transaction done for us, but the whole life of God offered to us and in us. Justification, regeneration, sanctification, holiness, new life—these are all the things the Father does for us and in us through his Son and Spirit. We are…

  • The Fulfillment of All His Purposes

    The Fulfillment of All His Purposes

    Jun 26, 2022 • 49:54

    In this one vision, John is seeing what has been, what is, and what is to come. It’s a panorama of salvation history past, present, and future, revealing that the purpose behind God’s creating and redeeming work—which has been inaugurated, but not yet consummated—is that people might know, love, adore,…

VBS 2022 – Monumental

Click HERE to Register Online!

We are so excited for VBS this summer! The theme is “Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness” and we will go off-road for a Monumental adventure through the colorful canyons and sunbaked trails of the Southwest. By exploring God’s awesomeness, kids will form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead!

Location: Evangelical Methodist Church, 820 Old Okisko Rd., Elizabeth City, NC 27909

Dates: July 18-21, 2022 (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM). Includes a special event on Thursday evening!

Cost: FREE

Contact: Chelsea Wortman

Children ages 3 (and potty trained) through rising 6th graders are welcome to attend!