All posts by EMC Admin

Revival 2023

Join us for our 2023 spring revival with Rev. Charles Elliott, May 21-24. This is our annual event where we set time apart as the body of Christ to allow the Holy Spirit to refresh, renew, and revive. Nursery care (0-3 yrs) will be available each evening by our wonderful volunteers! Bring your family and friends for this exciting time of seeking God together as the body of Christ!

About Our Speaker

Rev. Charles “Chuck” Elliott serves as Associate Pastor of Brookside Church in Chillicothe, OH. A graduate of Circleville Bible College in Circleville OH (now Ohio Christian University) and Wesley Biblical Seminary in Jackson, MS, he is married to his lovely wife, Jenny, and together they live near the Scioto River where they enjoy forests and farms so characteristic of the wide-open spaces and hilly lifts of beautiful southern Ohio.

Both Chuck and Jenny were drawn to Jesus and gave themselves to God and His purposes very early in their lives. Chuck served as a missionary in Hungary and Ukraine for 10 years, as a Christian educator in Ohio and Mississippi for 6 years, and as a cattle producer in Ohio for 10 years. While serving in these capacities, across the past 30 years, Chuck has served multiple pastoral roles within the Church, mostly bi-vocationally. Jenny has served communities in both Ohio and Mississippi as a pharmacist for her entire professional life. Together they have sought to be faithful living witnesses of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection by conforming to the gospel and by connecting in meaningful ways with others in collegiate and congregational life.

Chuck and Jenny enjoy traveling with friends, being in nature, trying new recipes, listening to most music, drinking African and South American coffees, exploring open-air farm markets, and watching BritBox.

Over the course of revival week, Chuck will be sharing a series of messages on the theme, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming the multifaceted nature of Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality.”

Revival Sermons Playlist
2023 Spring Revival
2023 Spring Revival
Our God is Holy
  • Our God is Holy

    Our God is Holy

    May 21, 2023 • 44:59

    Sermon #1 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Exodus 15:11-13, Isaiah 6:1-3, Ezekiel 36:20-23, and Mark 1:24.

  • The Active Sanctification of Jesus

    The Active Sanctification of Jesus

    May 21, 2023 • 44:36

    Sermon #2 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Hebrews 12:10b (Heb. 5:8, 10:7, 2:14-15).

  • When the Holy Spirit Re-Spirited Humanity

    When the Holy Spirit Re-Spirited Humanity

    May 22, 2023 • 44:24

    Sermon #3 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Ezekiel 37:24-29a, Jeremiah 31:31-34, Hebrews 8:10, 10:15-16.

  • Progressing in Fullness

    Progressing in Fullness

    May 23, 2023 • 44:21

    Sermon #4 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from Hebrews 12:1-2, Phil. 3:13.

  • Making Room for Holiness

    Making Room for Holiness

    May 24, 2023 • 50:46

    Sermon #5 of the 2023 EMC revival series, “True Christian Daring: Proclaiming Holy Love in the Harbor of Hospitality,” from 2 Kings 8:1-6, Hebrews 3:5-19.

Schedule of Events
Sunday, May 21
9:00 am Joint Sunday school in the chapel with Chuck and Jenny
10:15 am Revival worship service
5:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
5:30 pm Evening revival service
Monday, May 22
6:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
6:30 pm Evening revival service
Tuesday, May 23
6:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Chapel Complex Prayer Room (CC101)
6:30 pm Evening revival & healing service in the chapel
Wednesday, May 24
5:30 pm All-church meal with (Firehouse or Jersey Mike’s) in the Friendship Suite. $6/person or $18/family max for sub, chips, and tea.
6:00 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
6:30 pm Evening revival service
The Door to Life

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate.” (Matthew 7:13, NLT)

The Door to Life is a sermon series that explores stories in the Bible that feature doors that point to Jesus. He is the narrow gate which leads to life that never ends.

Series Playlist

The Door to Life
The Door to Life
The Ark Door
  • The Ark Door

    The Ark Door

    Apr 16, 2023 • 47:02

    The message of hope in the story of Noah is that even in the fury of God’s wrath through the raging waters of the flood, one can see the depths of his divine mercy and compassion. In the same way, and to an even greater degree, in the cross of…

  • The Scandalous Door

    The Scandalous Door

    Apr 23, 2023 • 43:34

    The universal problem of sinful man is that he makes himself his own standard of right and wrong, seeks to indulge in and satisfy whatever impulses or cravings he has, and will use others in order to satisfy or save his own skin. Jesus Christ is the solution to that…

  • The Passover Door

    The Passover Door

    Apr 30, 2023 • 35:24

    The blood of the lamb, sacrificially poured out for another, was the life of Israel. All the blood spilled for generations pointed to the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, whose life is released for all who have faith in him. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Door to Life Scripture: Exodus…

  • Go Right In

    Go Right In

    May 7, 2023 • 32:06

    Speaker: Karl Bowden Series: The Door to Life Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-22

  • The Narrow Door

    The Narrow Door

    May 14, 2023 • 42:01

    The narrow road and gate that leads to life demand we renounce all dependance upon anything of this world and cling only to Jesus. He is not merely the gatekeeper; he is the gate itself. He is the only way to access the Kingdom of God with all of its…

The Fake News

We live in an age of disinformation, a time when nothing can be trusted, when all information is to be treated with suspicion. It is an age marked by rumor, conjecture, opinion, and bias, a time of both conspiracy and theory. Christians have claimed for 2,000 years to know the truth, but what happens when the foundations of the faith entrusted to the church are being compromised from within? How is such a situation identified, and what are we to do in response?

Jude, the servant (and half brother) of Christ, is concerned with these very issues. Within the first generation of churches, peddlers of disinformation had wormed their way into positions of leadership among the people of God. These wolves in shepherd’s clothing claimed to offer the Good News, while offering something else altogether. Jude was not content to allow this to happen, and Christians today must heed his warnings.

The Fake News is a call for the church of today to contend for the faith entrusted to it, to stand guard and defend it, working to strengthen its faith while trusting in the keeping power of God. The greatest threat today is not persecution of the truth from without, but perversion of the truth from within.

Series Playlist

The Fake News
The Fake News
Contending for the Faith
  • Contending for the Faith

    Contending for the Faith

    Jan 29, 2023 • 51:17

    We live in an age of disinformation. But there is one place that you can go to for Truth—a place that the world, and even many who call themselves Christians, will tell you cannot be trusted. It is the Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to…

  • Sound the Alarm!

    Sound the Alarm!

    Feb 5, 2023 • 52:51

    The greatest threat to the church today is not persecution of the faith from without, but perversion of the faith within. Only belief in the Christ of the Scriptures and perseverance in the truth of the good news of God has the power to save. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: The Fake…

  • The True Gospel

    The True Gospel

    Feb 12, 2023 • 45:38

    To turn from the Scriptures is to turn from God himself. Therefore, the place the Bible holds among the hierarchies of authority in your life has very real implications for your eternal destiny. Salvation itself rests upon the integrity of the gospel’s truth and its transforming impact upon your life.…

  • The Keeping Power of God

    The Keeping Power of God

    Feb 19, 2023 • 1:04:47

    We are living in hard times, but take heart: Jude’s letter may be marked by the presence of passion, but it is also marked by the absence of panic. God is still at work, in control, and He who is in you is greater than he who is in the…