All posts by EMC Admin

2017 Easter Schedule of Events

You and your entire family are invited to Evangelical Methodist Church for our entire Easter season schedule of events!

  • Palm Sunday healing service – April 9th at 10:15 am – followed by a reception honoring Pastors Bill and Diane Ury as they transition to the next stage in their ministry journey together in Christ.
    • Potluck and reception at 11:45 am.
    • The church is providing the meat, beverages, and cake. We are asking that all of you who attend please bring additional sides and some desserts.
    • Cards, gifts, and expressions of love can be submitted to the church office or dropped in the designated box at the reception.
  • Good Friday tenebrae service  – April 14th at 6:00 pm in the chapel
  • Easter Sunday sunrise service – April 16th at 6:00 am – followed by a church-wide pancake breakfast free to all who attend!
  • Easter Sunday worship service – April 16th at 10:15 am
  • Easter Sunday egg hunt – April 16th at 11:45 am – details here
Easter Egg Hunt

Hunting for more this Easter? Discover more at EMC!

This Easter, when the eggs are found and the baskets are unwrapped, will you feel satisfied or still be searching? Join us at Evangelical Methodist Church for a celebration full of joy and meaning. Your whole family will enjoy the great music, fun for the kids, and a message that will bring direction and encouragement to your faith journey. Come find what’s missing in your Easter!

Immediately following the 10:15 morning worship service we will host a fun, free Easter egg hunt sure to be lots of fun for children and families! Come join us for a full morning of worship and celebration.

Complete Easter Schedule

  • Sunrise Service & Pancake Breakfast: 6am
  • Morning Worship Service: 10:15am
  • Easter Egg Hunt: 11:45am
Catechism Week 30 is Published!

The final installment of our new children’s catechism, Catechism – Week 30 – The Eschaton, Part 2, has been published. It answers the question, “What is the ultimate goal and purpose of the people of God?” This now concludes our offering of 30 weekly catechism questions for families to use in the discipleship of their children into the basic theology and ethics of Christianity.

For a complete index of all catechism questions, click this drop-down menu:

For more resources to aid in the discipleship of children in the home, please check out the Family Discipleship blog, a free digital resource from EMC. There you will discover a variety of resources – from articles and study materials to the full 30-week catechism – to equip moms and dads with helpful tools for raising godly children.

To stay current with the latest resources offered, sign up to receive the Family Discipleship newsletter free to your inbox!

The Cross-Formed Life

The Scripture reveals some ideas that are very attractive to the human heart. Who doesn’t like the concepts of peace, comfort, hope, and love?

But there is a central concept which is the basis of all the ‘positives’ that, at first flush, does not strike us as quite so uplifting; that is the Cross.

The symbol of all the good that God offers to us in the atonement is the Cross. And, with every verse that pertains to victory the underlying theme is coming to the end of ourselves. (Phil 3:10-11) Jesus did not say, “Take up your open tomb.” He laid down a principle that He also applied to Himself, “Take up your cross and follow Me.” (Matt. 16:24) Theologians call this the “cruciform” life, a life shaped by the meaning of the cross.

In this Lenten season, we are going to delve into this startling and exhilarating command, this formative principle from which everything else in our lives emanates. Our goal will be to listen carefully to the Spirit as He illuminates any area in our lives that is not under the shadow of the Cross. The only resurrection there is must come through a cross. And the life we now live is lived with a constant glory in the Cross of Christ our Savior. Let’s dive into the uncomfortable together in order that Jesus might lift us up into the fullness of the joy of knowing Him.

Series Playlist

The Cross-Formed Life
The Cross-Formed Life
Stuck on the Sidelines
  • Stuck on the Sidelines

    Stuck on the Sidelines

    Mar 19, 2017 • 32:17

    Our responses to fear What God does for fearful people Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture: I Samuel 17

  • Following Jesus

    Following Jesus

    Mar 26, 2017 • 41:13

    Following the Life of God (4:18-19a) Following and the End of My Life (4:20-22) Following His Ends in Real Life (4:19b) Speaker: Dr.Bill Ury Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22

  • Thinking Like Jesus

    Thinking Like Jesus

    Apr 2, 2017 • 39:00

    This Mind: Comes Behind (v. 34) Disowns Self (v. 34) Carries a Cross (v. 34) Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture: Mark 8:35-37

  • Palm Sunday

    Palm Sunday

    Apr 9, 2017 • 35:06

    The Glory of God Includes: Falling Dying Bearing Fruit Speaker: Dr. Bill Ury Series: The Cross-Formed Life Scripture:  John 12:20-26

  • Praying


    Jul 23, 2017 • 47:55

    The enemy without The enemy within The call to arms Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2

Spring Revival – “No Shortcuts”

Join us for our 2017 spring revival with Dr. John Juneman, February 19-22. This is our annual event where we set time apart as the Body of Christ to allow the Holy Spirit to refresh, renew, and revive. You and your whole family are invited to participate in all of our events (see below).

About Our Speaker

Dr. John JunemanDr. Juneman is an evangelist, teacher, writer, husband, and father. He travels to preach and teach the Word in churches throughout North America and to facilitate ongoing discipleship in Jesus Christ through continued relationships. He also teaches live weekly online Bible classes to high school students around the world through The Potter’s School. He graduated from Olivet Nazarene University, Nazarene Theological Seminary, and received the Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theology Seminary in 2004.

Learn more at

No Shortcuts: Why Holiness Still Matters

No ShortcutsHoliness is not a thing, a doctrine, or a set of standards. Holiness is simply the nature of Jesus Christ being produced in our lives so that He may demonstrate Himself in everything we say, do, and are. In the closing passage of 1 Corinthians 10, Paul crystallizes a simple principle that is indispensable for evangelism and discipleship for all times: revival leads to holiness, which then leads to evangelism.

The revelation of His holiness through us in everyday life is God’s plan for winning people to Jesus and making disciples. This has never been more crucial than in the challenging days we face in our culture. There are no shortcuts, and holiness matters as much now as it ever has.

Schedule of Events
Sunday, February 19
9:00 am Sunday school
10:15 am Revival worship service
5:00 pm Churchwide potluck lunch in the Friendship Suite. The church will provide the meat and beverages for this meal. No sign-up is required. Dishes needed: vegetables, salads, and desserts to share.
5:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
6:00 pm Evening revival service
Monday, February 20
6:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
7:00 pm Evening revival service
Tuesday, February 21
6:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
7:00 pm Evening revival service
Wednesday, February 22
6:00 pm All-church meal with Chick-fil-a in the Friendship Suite. The cost is $5.50 per person. Please sign up at the Information Table or Connections Corner.
6:30 pm Revival prayer time in the Infused room
7:00 pm Evening revival service

Nursery care (0-4 yrs) will be available each evening by our wonderful volunteers!

Bring your family and friends for this exciting time of seeking God together as the body of Christ!