All posts by EMC Admin

Pastoral Staff Changes at EMC

From the Chairman of the Board of Stewards:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

The Holy Spirit preceded and presided over our Special Church Conference held June 21, 2017, which saw the largest turnout for a church meeting in the history of ECEMC. The church unanimously approved the call of Pastor Sean Scribner as Senior Pastor. Testimony was given that this has never happened before in the history of ECEMC. The church also approved the call of Jeff Wortman as Minister of Music and Worship. Jeff’s first day on staff will be August 15, 2017.

Please continue to pray for God’s church at EMC, our staff, and leadership team.

Pressing into Jesus together,
Charlie Bartlett
Chairman, Board of Stewards

From Rags to Righteousness

What does it mean to be the body of Christ? We have died with him. We have been raised with him. We have ascended with him and our lives are hidden with him in God. Paul says that in light of the fact that God has chosen us for a new life of love in his Son, we must dress in the wardrobe he has picked out for us (Colossians 3:12).

So many Christians have experienced the very worst of life in the body of Christ. They have been on the receiving end of anger, criticism, gossip, or slander. They have been ignored, embarrassed, or judged. Many have bounced in and out of churches for years without ever sensing they belonged or mattered to anyone. Is this the best we can expect out of the church in this life, or does God have something else altogether in mind? Can church become a source of real hope, real joy, real love, and real life?

Guided by the practical wisdom from the Apostle Paul for the churches in Colossae and Ephesus, this sermon series will take a hard look at the very worst of church life with a hopeful eye toward all we can become through the Son in the Spirit. To live out God’s intentions for the Christian church in the world, we must be a people who move From Rags to Righteousness.

Series Playlist

From Rags to Righteousness
From Rags to Righteousness
Prayer Service Homily
  • Prayer Service Homily

    Prayer Service Homily

    Jun 11, 2017 • 13:22

    Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: James 1:2-4

  • Clothing


    Jun 18, 2017 • 48:01

    They’re not our clothes The clothes are always His The clothes are a perfect fit Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Rightousness Scripture: Ephesians 4:24-5:2; Colossians 3:12-14

  • Speaking


    Jun 25, 2017 • 51:11

    The power of words Words of death Words of life Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: Ephesians 5:19a; Colossians 3:16a

  • Singing


    Jul 2, 2017 • 39:56

    Worship is that which: Fills our heart Shapes our life Remembers our future Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: Eph 5:19; Col 3:16

  • Giving


    Jul 9, 2017 • 47:37

    What God could be towards us, but isn’t What we should be towards God, but aren’t What the Holy Spirit wants to produce in us, and is Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: Ephesians 5:20; Colossians 3:17

  • Fish Out Of Water

    Fish Out Of Water

    Jul 16, 2017 • 45:50

    Old Assumptions New Vision Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: Ephesians 5:21; Colossians 3:18

  • Praying


    Jul 23, 2017 • 47:55

    The enemy without The enemy within The call to arms Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From Rags to Righteousness Scripture: Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2

Pastor Sean Scribner Appointed Interim Lead Pastor

From the Chairman of the Board of Stewards:

Rev. Ike Cowell, Conference Superintendent with the Evangelical Methodist Church, appointed Sean Scribner as interim lead pastor with an effective date of April 17, 2017. The Board of Stewards and Pastoral Relations Committee unanimously requested this appointment.

The lead pastor position became vacant as Pastors Bill and Diane Ury accepted God’s call as National Ambassadors of Holiness with the Salvation Army in February of this year. The Ury’s have been with Elizabeth City EMC for four and a half years.

Pastor Sean assumes this position with a calling and a heart to be a lead pastor. He describes his new role as “shepherding and equipping of the saints for the work of ministering to others.”

The Pastoral Relations Committee, in collaboration with the Conference Superintendent, has responsibility for administering the search for a lead pastor.

From the Grave to the Sky

The ascension. Myth? Legend? Fabrication? Or the intended consequence of the resurrection? Perhaps even more important: What does the movement of Jesus from the grave to the sky mean for my life?

This sermon series will grapple with these questions and so much more as together we dive into the implications of our Lord’s resurrection, ascension, and ministry both in between and beyond. Are you struggling with confusion, fear, or doubt? Jesus comes alongside of those who love him. Do you need a fresh perspective on life? He wants to give you his own perspective of himself, yourself, and the world around you. Do you feel alone in your efforts to sort through the labyrinth of your circumstances? He knows firsthand what you are going through and fights on your behalf.

Easter has come and gone. So now what? As people whose lives are hidden with God in Christ, what does it mean that we have died with him, been raised with him, and have moved with him From the Grave to the Sky?

Series Playlist

From the Grave to the Sky
From the Grave to the Sky
Jesus Himself Came Near
  • Jesus Himself Came Near

    Jesus Himself Came Near

    Apr 23, 2017 • 47:58

    Do they trust him? Can he be trusted? Do you trust him? Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From the Grave to the Sky Scripture: Luke 24:13-25

  • God is at Work in You

    God is at Work in You

    Apr 30, 2017 • 53:14

    Who is Jesus? (Vv. 5-8) Who am I? (Vv. 3, 14) Getting from here to there (V. 13) Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From the Grave to the Sky Scripture: Philippians 2:1-13

  • Beyond The Moment

    Beyond The Moment

    May 7, 2017 • 34:40

     The Tyranny of Toil (v. 34) The Triumph of God (v. 20-28) Purpose and Promise (v. 58) Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: From the Grave to the Sky Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15

  • Moving With Boldness

    Moving With Boldness

    May 14, 2017 • 49:45

    Our priest is a Son (v. 14) Our priest is a man (v. 15) Our priest is our hope (v. 16) Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From the Grave to the Sky Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16

  • When God Fails You

    When God Fails You

    May 21, 2017 • 32:23

    The God who will fail you The unconquerable conquered And He shall reign Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: From the Grave to the Sky Scripture: 1 Samuel 4:1-11; 5:1-11

  • Christ, Our Life

    Christ, Our Life

    May 28, 2017 • 53:23

    The victory of Life The location of Life The power of Life Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: From the Grave to the Sky Scripture: Colossians 3:1-4

Good Friday Tenebrae Service

You are invited to join EMC for our Good Friday tenebrae service on April 14th, 2017 at 6pm. The word ‘tenebrae’ is Latin for shadows. The purpose of the service is to rehearse the betrayal, abandonment, and agony of the passion of Jesus Christ. It is intentionally left unfinished because the story isn’t over until Easter Sunday morning. By the reading of key passion texts of Scripture, combined with the progressive extinguishing of candles until achieving total darkness, tenebrae services recreate the emotional aspects of the passion story, therefore they are by nature somber. Experiencing the tenebrae provides participants with a poignant reminder of the cross of Christ, while preparing the heart to anticipate Easter.

Come join us for this unique service of worship in the chapel of Evangelical Methodist Church.