All posts by EMC Admin

2019 Missions Conference

Join us for the 2019 EMC missions conference: “‘Till the Whole World Knows.” At this year’s conference you will be exposed to great teaching and preaching that will encourage and challenge you to be a part of God’s work in the world. You will be informed of all the ways EMC is investing in missions around the world and will be invited to get involved in both local and world missions efforts. Come join us for this wonderful 2-day event!

Featured Guest Speakers
Michelle Ellinwood
Lead Pastor
Intersect Community Church
Harold Brown
One Mission Society
Whipple Family
Maritime Ministries
Bill and Karen Salisbury
Evangelistic Ventriloquist
Children’s Gospel Crusade
Schedule of Events

Saturday – October, 5
7:30 – Breakfast and devotional
8:00 – Local outreach projects for the morning
Afternoon – rest
5:00 – Family-friendly games and activities
6:00 – Dinner (Blackwater BBQ)
7:00 – Share time and worship service

  • Hear from local ministries supported with EMC missions dollars
  • Kids will spend time with Bill Salisbury and “Uncle Bill”

Sunday – October 6
9:00 – Joint Sunday School hour

  • Adults will meet in the chapel with Harold Brown
  • Kids will have a special lesson about missions

10:15 – Worship service with Michelle Ellinwood
11:30 – Church wide potluck. The church will provide the meat and beverages. Other dishes needed: vegetables, salads, and desserts to share.

Hot Topics

Hot Topics is a collection of messages that deal with some of the top issues of the day. No matter the question, the Bible has answers.

Series Playlist

Hot Topics
Hot Topics
Why is Jesus Unique?
  • Why is Jesus Unique?

    Why is Jesus Unique?

    Sep 8, 2019 • 31:08

    Christians believe that the only logical solution to the dilemma of Jesus is that he is neither a liar nor a lunatic, but the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Hot Topics Scripture: Mark 8:27-29

  • Is Religion Killed by Science?

    Is Religion Killed by Science?

    Sep 15, 2019 • 28:58

    Because of their belief in God as creator of an observable cosmos marked by order and constancy, Christians deem science a worthy enterprise. But they also understand the limits of scientific knowledge, which can explain to a degree the how of creation, but never the why. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Hot…

  • Would God Really Send Me To Hell?

    Would God Really Send Me To Hell?

    Sep 22, 2019 • 42:14

    In today’s day and age, the doctrine of hell often makes us feel uncomfortable and perhaps even rude. However, today we unpack the necessity of hell in revealing the justice, humility, and mercy of God. Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Hot Topics Scripture: Luke 16:19-31

  • Can the Bible Really Be Trusted?

    Can the Bible Really Be Trusted?

    Sep 29, 2019 • 34:36

    The Bible has stood the test of time and can hold its own in the face of scholarly criticism. But the Bible can be trusted not just because it stands up to scrutiny, but because its author and source and inspiration has proven Himself faithful and true. Speaker: Sean Scribner…

  • Can Jesus Really Change Us?

    Can Jesus Really Change Us?

    Feb 9, 2020 • 19:50

    By the power of the Spirit of Christ, we do not need to be hopelessly locked in the powerlessness and despair that comes from knowing what is right but only being able to do what is wrong. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Hot Topics Scripture: Romans 8:1-2

  • Who is the Real Jesus?

    Who is the Real Jesus?

    Feb 16, 2020 • 36:19

    Talking with Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and skeptics about who Jesus claimed to be. Download the accompanying PowerPoint file here. Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Hot Topics Scripture: John 1:1-3

  • How Does the Bible Address Suicide?

    How Does the Bible Address Suicide?

    Feb 23, 2020 • 37:43

    God alone knows the content of every person’s heart. God alone is the king, lawgiver, and judge. God has given us his Son that we might have abundant life in him. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Confidential service available to…

Hurricane Dorian Updates

The church office is officially closed Thursday, September 5 and Friday, September 6. The latest hurricane forecast is calling for a possibility of greater than 8″ of rain for our area, so please be careful and stay dry!

Beyond the Bumper Sticker

You see them everywhere you go. Christian catchphrases printed on plastic and slapped on someone’s bumper—as enigmatic as they are ubiquitous. They are the taglines of well-intending people of faith seeking to communicate something profound to a world listening at 140 characters at a time.

But what do they mean?

Repeating a message does not guarantee its reception. Nor does trimming it down. Big ideas that get reduced to bite sized portions for mass consumption often get lost altogether. Words that once meant something can cease to have any real meaning at all.

Join us for a series of summer messages called “Beyond the Bumper Sticker” as we seek to peer behind the clichés to uncover the truths meant to be conveyed. The gospel is more than a slogan. It is the Good News of what God has done for the world through Jesus Christ. Come learn what that, along with its various expressions, could mean for your life.

Series Playlist

Beyond the Bumper Sticker
Beyond the Bumper Sticker
No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace.
  • No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace.

    No Jesus, No Peace. Know Jesus, Know Peace.

    Jul 28, 2019 • 41:13

    Jesus Christ proclaimed peace, established peace, and even is peace itself. We must do more than wrap our lives in clichés. We need to embody the realities beneath them and be ambassadors of his peace to the world. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Beyond the Bumper Sticker Scripture: Ephesians 2:11-22

  • It's Not a Religion, It's a Relationship

    It's Not a Religion, It's a Relationship

    Aug 4, 2019 • 40:23

    God invites His people into a relationship, but what kind? For many, we have a religious impulse that seeks to earn God’s attention or favor through good works. Others completely disregard any moral outflow of following God. In reality, God invites us to participate in His new covenant that sets…

  • Christians Aren't Perfect, Just Forgiven

    Christians Aren't Perfect, Just Forgiven

    Aug 11, 2019 • 51:05

    God’s desire for your life and mine is far greater than mere sin management. He is not asking for perfect performance. He is asking for your heart. All of it. Everything you are able to offer in this moment. Nothing more. Nothing less. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Beyond the Bumper Sticker…

  • What Would Jesus Do?

    What Would Jesus Do?

    Aug 18, 2019 • 31:59

    The people of God walk by faith and not by sight. We don’t need to see the answer to an impossible question before we take the next step. We simply need to trust the one who is guiding our lives and be obedient to what he has already revealed about…

  • Let Go and Let God

    Let Go and Let God

    Aug 25, 2019 • 39:12

    As Christians, we are not called to just sit back and watch events unfold around us until we get to heaven. We are called to make every effort to do the work of the kingdom in whatever form that takes in our lives. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Beyond the Bumper Sticker…

  • God Bless You

    God Bless You

    Sep 1, 2019 • 23:48

    For the Christian, “God bless you” is a call to remember all God has done for us in Christ, to delight in the benefits of life and salvation in him, and to be the covenant people he has made us to be by the power of the Holy Spirit. Speaker:…