All posts by EMC Admin

God’s Economy

In the beginning, God had a plan—a plan to create what did not already exist and fill it with his glory. Central to the divine enterprise were people created to look and act like God. They were to be managers of his property, administrators of his purposes, and inheritors of his portion. As such, their lives would only be fruitful and fulfilling when ordered rightly.

But in its first generation, all of mankind’s relationships became wrecked. Friends became enemies. Work became toil. Order was displaced by disorder and paradise was lost.

God’s Economy is a sermon series on biblical stewardship that explores how life works best according to God’s design. It endeavors to recast a vision of life as rightly related to God, creation, and other people, and illuminates how a rightly ordered heart views time, talents, and treasures from an eternal perspective.

God’s purposes have not been arrested nor suspended. He is still sovereign; he is still in control; he still has purposes toward which his providence is directed. What remains is whether we will be willing participants with him by bringing all of life into submission under his gracious rule and acknowledging that we are not our own but belong to Christ, who gave himself up for us.

Series Playlist

God's Economy
God's Economy
Ordered Relationships
  • Ordered Relationships

    Ordered Relationships

    Jan 12, 2020 • 40:17

    Biblical stewardship teaches us that whether it is what God entrusts to us, or withholds from us, in all things he desires that we might come to know him, enjoy him, and entrust all of our lives to him. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: God’s Economy Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31

  • Ordered Affections

    Ordered Affections

    Jan 19, 2020 • 34:24

    The design of God for humanity—the very purpose of our existence and how we share, enjoy, and multiply his goodness in the world—can be found in the command to love God with all that we are. This is the aim of his grace through Christ in the Spirit: To reorder…

  • Ordered Commodities

    Ordered Commodities

    Jan 26, 2020 • 46:11

    God has created us for right relationships: with himself and with others. He has designed our hearts to be restless until they find their rest in him. Therefore, we must use every resource and opportunity we have in this life to bring us into a fellowship that will last forever.…

  • Ordered Work

    Ordered Work

    Feb 2, 2020 • 46:19

    The church, as the embodiment of God’s life and work in the world, is to be both enjoyed and shared. Each member has a part to play in joining God in his worldwide redemptive movement. Will we faithfully do that which God himself has assigned us to do? Speaker: Sean…

When God Arrives

Israel and Judah had been enjoying a time of peace and prosperity they had not known since the time of Solomon. What appeared to be God’s approval and blessing, however, concealed a dark truth about the way things really were, a truth that would soon be revealed by the invading Assyrian empire.

You see, the people of God were lost in darkness, having forsaken God and debased themselves with unworthy lovers in the form of other gods. A people once defined by an exclusive love relationship with the one true God had become a people marked by idolatry, unfaithfulness, and oppression. This road of apostasy had led them to their own destruction.

Who would save them from their oppressors? Who would rescue them, not just from exile to foreign lands but from the wickedness of their adulterous hearts? The word of God as spoken through the prophet Isaiah revealed the answer: It would be none other than God himself who would be their salvation.

Isaiah’s prophetic word is applicable to the situations of people in every time and place. His message of a Light to illuminate the way for those who walk in darkness always results in joy for any who look to the mighty hand of the One able to save. Like exiles sensing the looming shadow of death; like captives awaiting deliverance; like runaways and rebels longing for reconciliation, we yearn for that Light to appear. With him comes the salvation we most desperately need, but could never expect—the salvation that comes When God Arrives.

Series Playlist

When God Arrives
When God Arrives
Light Arrives
  • Light Arrives

    Light Arrives

    Dec 1, 2019 • 27:26

    The prophet Isaiah, living in a time of darkness, could look ahead and know with certainty that God’s light again would shine. Now on this side of history, all who find themselves today in darkness can see the light of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Speaker: Sean Scribner…

  • Joy Arrives

    Joy Arrives

    Dec 8, 2019 • 36:01

    In the midst of darkness—whether self-inflicted or imposed—the people of God reach for a song. Not in naive denial, as if our pain and troubles weren’t real, but as an act of defiance. We choose to rejoice in the face of hardship and suffering because no matter how hard life…

  • Might Arrives

    Might Arrives

    Dec 15, 2019 • 31:03

    At Advent, we await the arrival of an unlikely warrior to carry out an unconventional strategy. No darkness is too dark for his light to shine. No yoke or burden is too heavy for him to lift. No oppressor’s rod is too mighty for him to shatter. He has done…

  • A Son Arrives

    A Son Arrives

    Dec 22, 2019 • 46:32

    God has come to us in the Son–his personal presence to comfort us and give us strength to make it through. In the rush of the season, don’t miss him. Advent is an invitation to perceive. Christmas calls us to look again. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: When God Arrives Scripture: Isaiah…

Gospel Life

The gospel is the good news of what Jesus Christ has done to save us and restore us into right relationship with God. For many Christians, however, the assumption is that the gospel is for the unbeliever, a set of “ABC” basics that enable people to enter into the kingdom of God.

Paul’s letter to the Galatians powerfully reminds us that the gospel is not just for the unbeliever, but for the believer as well. It’s not just the “ABC” basics, but the A to Z of the Christian life. It’s not just how the kingdom of God is entered, but how life takes place within it.

Gospel Life is a series of messages devoted to understanding how the good news of Jesus Christ shapes the life of his people from beginning to end. It’s never something the Christian can move on from, rather it is what the Christian life is always moving through.

Series Playlist

Gospel Life
Gospel Life
Gospel Uniqueness
  • Gospel Uniqueness

    Gospel Uniqueness

    Oct 13, 2019 • 36:18

    There is only one Good News. We must remember it, cling to it, fight for it, stake our whole lives upon it. For it, and it alone, is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Gospel Life Scripture: Galatians 1:1-9

  • Gospel Unity

    Gospel Unity

    Oct 20, 2019 • 39:03

    As the genuine gospel community, the Christian church must be marked by radical commitment to both the gospel’s integrity and cultural adaptation, resulting in the proper boundaries for fellowship as God’s holy people. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Gospel Life Scripture: Galatians 2:1-10

  • Gospel Growth

    Gospel Growth

    Oct 27, 2019 • 29:11

    We don’t begin the Christian life by faith in what Christ has done and then proceed to grow by our works. Just as we are justified by grace through faith, so too are we sanctified by grace through faith. We must grow, but our growth must always be growth in…

  • Gospel Freedom

    Gospel Freedom

    Nov 2, 2019 • 32:55

    The Christian life is not about earning God’s acceptance or saving ourselves by our good works, nor should it result in us ignoring sin while resting on a cheap, foggy concept of grace. It is patient, confident hope for that final righteousness the Spirit enables us to experience and faith…

  • Gospel Character

    Gospel Character

    Nov 10, 2019 • 28:31

    The Gospel life is marked by the very fruit of God himself being produced in those who, driven by the Spirit, look only ever to Jesus as their one supreme desire. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Gospel Life Scripture: Galatians 5:16-25

  • Gospel Relationships

    Gospel Relationships

    Nov 17, 2019 • 39:02

    The gospel of Jesus Christ frees us from the burden of the law to the burdens of one another. A healthy gospel identity acknowledges that we are all equal at the foot of the cross and there is only one who saves, transforms, and makes us whole. Speaker: Sean Scribner…

  • Gospel Sowing

    Gospel Sowing

    Nov 24, 2019 • 51:22

    The Gospel life is one of tirelessly planting seeds that reap a harvest of blessing and life, always in response to God’s grace in Christ and always lived out in doing good toward others. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Gospel Life Scripture: Galatians 6:6-18

2019 Taco & Go

This is nacho normal church event!

We’ve all bean there: rushing home, getting changed, trying to get the family out the door. We get it. That’s why we want to help.

No time to fix dinner? No poblano! Stop by EMC for a quick taco dinner before you go on with your other activities. Also included are a free family portrait, face painting, candy, and tons of fundido! You’ll leave feeling like a guacstar!

Date: Thursday, October 31st
Time: 5-6:30 pm
Where: 820 Old Okisko Rd. Elizabeth City