All posts by EMC Admin

Almost Good News

We are hounded by bad news all the time and its effects are obvious: anger, anxiety, and fear dominate many lives on a steady diet of bad news.

While a diet of bad news is a problem, perhaps a more insidious problem facing the church is the undermining of our proclamation of good news. We have been charged to spread the greatest of all news—the salvation brought through the works of Jesus, yet in many of our minds this news has been twisted into something that’s not really gospel at all. It’s almost good news and produces almost Christians.

In this series, we are going to explore subtle mistruths about the gospel that seem so close to the truth but set us on a trajectory away from God.

Series Playlist

Almost Good News
Almost Good News
Not Quite Good Enough
  • Not Quite Good Enough

    Not Quite Good Enough

    Apr 19, 2020 • 38:52

    As people, we are seriously flawed. In many ways we reject truth, do evil, and worship wrongly. While this is bad news, it also reassures us that if God will save, it won’t be on the basis of our moral merit. The lowest of sinners and greatest of saints all…

  • Having an Advantage but Not Better Off

    Having an Advantage but Not Better Off

    Apr 26, 2020 • 40:46

    God has a solution to the problem of sin.

  • On Thin Ice

    On Thin Ice

    May 3, 2020 • 25:52

    We often believe that while we may be forgiven by grace through faith, we enter the Kingdom on thin ice. When we behave well, we think God must like us, but when we blow it, we feel God must dislike us. We are encouraged then to allow our sin to…

  • Invictus


    May 10, 2020 • 31:14

    Since we are made right in God’s sight by faith, we may wonder if the gospel changes us at all. As we read in Romans, we see the nature of faith going beyond mental assent to facts to identification and allegiance to Jesus. This changes our core selves so we…

  • Life in the Spirit

    Life in the Spirit

    May 17, 2020 • 32:26

    The Gospel of grace does not leave us under the power of sin but ushers God’s people into a life in the Spirit, marked by power and victory over sin. We are then encouraged to pursue holiness and hate sin, through the Spirit’s power. Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Almost Good News…

  • How the Gospel Transforms Community

    How the Gospel Transforms Community

    May 24, 2020 • 31:26

    We are not meant to live an exaggerated form of Christian individualism – a “Jesus-and-me” mentality. God did not call us into salvation in isolation but in community. Romans 12:3-18 shows us that as Christians, we are called to live out our faith in a Gospel community of service and…

EMC Preschool Closed for the Remainder of School Year

From EMC Preschool Director, Chelsea Wortman:

The EMC Preschool Board is following what Roy Cooper, the NC Governor, orders for NC Public Schools due to COVID-19. He announced today that schools will be closed through May 15, 2020. Since EMC Preschool’s last day is May 22, the school will unfortunately be closed through the remainder of this school year. We are very sad, but believe this is the right decision. We love and miss all our preschool families so much! This is no surprise to God and we can trust Him during this time of uncertainty.

EMC Preschool Will Be Closed for 2 Weeks

North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper, has issued an executive order directing all public schools to close for students on Monday, March 16 for at least two weeks. The EMC Preschool Board has decided to close EMC Preschool for the next 2 weeks as well. We apologize for the inconvenience, but believe this is the right decision given the circumstances.

Please check back here on EMC’s website, as well as via email and Facebook, for any additional updates.

Sunday Morning Activities Are Cancelled

UPDATE: Check out the livestream of Sunday’s worship service below:

North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper, has issued an executive order banning all public gatherings of 100 or more people effective immediately. In collaboration with the Board of Stewards, the EMC ministry staff has decided to cancel all Sunday morning activities at the church for Sunday, March 15.

We will continue to monitor this news and weigh its implications in order to make informed decisions concerning other church activities beyond tomorrow morning. All news and updates will be posted right here on EMC’s website, as well as via email and Facebook.

The ministry team is currently working on putting together a makeshift worship service to be conducted online via Facebook Live. The details of that will be posted as soon as they are complete. Even though we are not able to come together in person, we can still come together virtually.

Please continue to pray for our church, our community, our state and nation and all of our leaders, as well as the rest of the world. We will pull through this together with the Lord as our rock and our refuge and our strength!