All posts by EMC Admin

Work(s) in Progress

Christian friend, you have not arrived. You know it, and I know it. Truth is, neither have I. In fact, we all have a very long way to go. How do we measure our progress?

The book of James was addressed to a scattered people during a time of rising persecution. Full of practical metaphors and imperatives, it was written to exhort, not inform. The problems his readers wrestled with did not boil down to doctrine, but exertion—they had faith, but lacked effort. To James, this was not enough. They had stopped short when they still had so far to go.

What are the implications of being made right with God? How do we make sense of that ever-present tension between being and doing? How do faith and works relate? Work(s) in Progress is a sermon series that taps into the wisdom of James in order to answer these questions—to encourage continued growth in the Christian faith; to work out what God has worked in; to evaluate our progress as we patiently await the Lord’s return.

Series Playlist

Work(s) in Progress
Work(s) in Progress
Listen Up!
  • Listen Up!

    Listen Up!

    Jul 19, 2020 • 42:41

    By immersing ourselves in the perfect law of God, we place ourselves in the center of the environment in which we were designed to flourish. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Work(s) in Progress Scripture: James 1:19-27

  • Preferential Treatment

    Preferential Treatment

    Jul 26, 2020 • 39:40

    Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God means refusing to follow the corruption of this world and its pattern of fawning deference to some and callous indifference to others. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Work(s) in Progress Scripture: James 2:1-13

  • Faith and Works

    Faith and Works

    Aug 2, 2020 • 38:38

    If you really believe in Christ, you will really obey him. And that obedience will always result in good works, which are nothing more or less than your response to all he has done for you. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Work(s) in Progress Scripture: James 2:14-26

  • How to be Perfect

    How to be Perfect

    Aug 9, 2020 • 38:33

    James lays out our strategy to being perfect…by controlling our tongue! This goes far beyond not saying bad words or not engaging in certain activities, but flows from a heart that loves what is good and holy and hates wheat is evil. Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Work(s) in Progress Scripture: James…

  • Grace for the Humble

    Grace for the Humble

    Aug 16, 2020 • 36:55

    When our attitudes and actions reveal an adulterous unfaithfulness to God that risks placing us outside the scope of his grace, we must humble ourselves and come back into the joy and security of intimacy with him. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Work(s) in Progress Scripture: James 4:7-10

  • Patient Endurance

    Patient Endurance

    Aug 23, 2020 • 48:30

    When God wrote the script from before all time, he had a goal in mind for it all: To create for himself a people that look like his Son. So take courage. Strengthen your hearts. May no complaining be found on your lips. For he will do something about injustice…

  • Prayer in All Things

    Prayer in All Things

    Aug 30, 2020 • 46:36

    We live in a time of great hardship and collective waywardness–a time where there is much to be thankful for, but also much to be concerned about–when trials and temptations abound and people of faith are wandering from commitment to the truth of God’s word. Let us be faithful in…

Opening for Director of Student Ministry

EMC is seeking to fill the position of Director of Student Ministry. Click here for a detailed description of this position (PDF document).

This is a part-time position requiring 30 hours per week of ministry.

Candidates both from within our congregation and outside are welcome to apply.

If you are called to minister to children or if you know a person that you would like us to consider, please contact the church office for more information.

Opening for Director of Children’s Ministry

EMC is seeking to fill the position of Director of Children’s Ministry. Click here for a detailed description of this position (PDF document).

This is a part-time position requiring 20 hours per week of ministry.

Candidates both from within our congregation and outside are welcome to apply.

If you are called to minister to children or if you know a person that you would like us to consider, please contact the church office for more information.

Safe Harbors

“‘Lord, help!’ they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor!” — Psalm 107:28-30 (NLT)

Life is full of storms. Atmospheric disturbances that disrupt our lives and entangle us in tumult and hardship. In many, we fall victim to forces beyond our control. In others, we risk capsizing under the consequences of our own decisions. In all, God can be found, offering the safe harbors of his presence and peace.

You and I are in the midst of a “stormy” season. But the Lord is a refuge amidst the tempest! He commands the gales into stillness. He marches resolutely atop the breakers. He sovereignly incorporates the storms into his good and perfect plans. For all who cry for help, he saves them from their distress. Maybe he will calm the storm around us. But more likely he will calm the storm within us. And he will keep us and hold us fast through it all.

Safe Harbors is a sermon series offering hope in the midst of the storm.

Series Playlist

Safe Harbors
Safe Harbors
The Haven of Salvation
  • The Haven of Salvation

    The Haven of Salvation

    Jun 14, 2020 • 37:18

    The people of God remember the great things the Lord has done, look to Jesus for help in every time of trouble, and praise him before one another and throughout all the world in both word and deed. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Safe Harbors Scripture: Psalm 107

  • The Port of His Peace

    The Port of His Peace

    Jun 21, 2020 • 46:49

    The sleeping man in the back of the boat is the only one capable of calming our storms and bringing peace to our lives. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Safe Harbors Scripture: Mark 4:35-41

  • The Palisade of His Presence

    The Palisade of His Presence

    Jun 28, 2020 • 39:01

    The God who feeds his people and stills the storms and walks on water and steps into our troubles still watches over and offers himself to you today. Note: We apologize for the poor audio quality. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Safe Harbors Scripture: Mark 6:45-52

  • The Mooring of Faith

    The Mooring of Faith

    Jul 5, 2020 • 33:14

    God uses the troubles and hardships of life to perfect our hearts. Burning away the dross. Strengthening and purifying our faith like gold. Remaking us from the inside out with the stuff that does not sink, but rises and overcomes to the very end. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: Safe Harbors Scripture:…