All posts by EMC Admin

VBS 2021 – Rocky Railway

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Description: We are so excited that VBS is returning to EMC this summer! Our VBS theme this year is “Rocky Railway – Jesus’ Power Pulls Us Through”. Kids will explore Jesus’ power and how we can trust Jesus to pull us through when life feels like a valley or a mountaintop.

Location: Evangelical Methodist Church, 820 Old Okisko Rd., Elizabeth City, NC 27909

Dates: July 26-29, 2021 (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM). Includes a special event on Thursday evening!

Cost: FREE

Contact: Chelsea Wortman (

Children ages 3 (and potty trained) through rising 6th graders are welcome to attend!

Mission Brief

From the dawn of creation until now, God has been on a mission, that this world and all its inhabitants would reflect and proclaim his glory. Central to His works throughout history and our own salvation, God is working to proclaim His glory in a world hostile to His rule and reign.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the world’s systems and the lives of those around you to bring about His glory. You’ve been called to be an agent, wisely working with God as we await the final fulfillment of His plan.

And so we cling to the promise that, “For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the LORD” (Hab. 2:14).

Series Playlist

Mission Brief
Mission Brief
Mission Accepted
  • Mission Accepted

    Mission Accepted

    Apr 11, 2021 • 30:52

    Hear God’s call to accept his invitation to become a part of his family, then join him on his mission to share the Good News with others! Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Mission Brief Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-7; 2:1-10

  • Mission Training

    Mission Training

    Apr 18, 2021 • 46:10

    God has adopted us into his family and into his mission to bring glory to himself through the redemption of the world. We join him in his mission, not just when we tell others about Jesus, but when we live out and embody the very Good News we proclaim. A…

  • Mission Enacted

    Mission Enacted

    Apr 25, 2021 • 35:14

    God is calling us to let him reveal his strength in the midst of our weakness, that the message of the Gospel would go out into all the world. Speaker: Aaron Meservey Series: Mission Brief Scripture: Ephesians 1:8b-10; 3:7-12

  • Mission Completed

    Mission Completed

    May 9, 2021 • 41:57

    God is working to unite all things in heaven and on earth under the lordship of his Son, Jesus Christ. Will you be a part of his grand design? Speaker: Jeff Wortman Series: Mission Brief Scripture: Ephesians 4:10-14